What do you think of the name Sidney for a boy?
What are your thoughts on Sidney for a boy?
Very much dislike it!
I dislike Sidney for all
I like it.
It's really dated, and has a slimy, disreputable vibe to it. I picture Sidney as a sleazy Hollywood producer who takes advantage of the young female talent (possibly the male talent too) and has the kind of shady connections that might break a man's legs or worse if he gives the word.
I like it. It sounds scrappy.
One of those names that's fairly common on a girl, yet still works for a boy- like Reese or Morgan. I like it.
Sidney is on my boy's list. I really enjoy it.
I like it better for a boy than a girl
Don't really like it
I hear it more as a girl name, since I've never met a guy with it- but I still see it as handsome/unisex.
I think it's great