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Re: How will names change as Gen Z approaches the age to have kids?
I actually don't know anyone from that generation who has kids yet. Most people have children between the ages of 30 and 39 now from my experience, or often early 40s too so it will still be a while.The trends that we see now can still be linked to the millennial generation.Also, 1997-2000 or sometimes even later is a bit of an overlap, many sources name 1980-2000 for millennials. In my opinion the 1997-2000 people still have a lot of characteristics of the millennial generation and I don't think their names will be different. As for the younger ones it's just too early to tell.I think the millennial plus 1997-2000 peoople love nature names and names from about 100 years ago. Also Greek mythology like Athena, Penelope etc. and I think Harry Potter names, they have been rising a lot beyond the top 1000 (Draco, Lavender etc.)I guess we could assume that the 2005+ generation will like unisex names more but even though this generation pretends to be very politically active on social media from my experience they aren't that involved in real life except for the occasional demonstration. I think the might actually end up more conservative growing up than the millennials as they are already making fun of the millennials' immature lifestyle and Harry Potter obsession.But in my opinion millennials might get adjusted officially to ending a bit later in a few years. I know they are described as people who remember a time without constant access to the internet and who remember 9/11. But people born in 1997-2000 will still have grown up largely without regular internet access. Many families only had one home computer and maybe one work computer until 2005/2006 or so when they became more common. So children wouldn't have regular access, only sometimes, let alone their own laptop or smartphone. Proper smartphones didn't become the norm until about 2010, when some of these kids were as old as 13. And I think in 2010 no one would have given one to a kid.The 2005 plus generation is very very different because they basically grew up with smartphones and ipads in their faces at all times. So now idea what they will do with 1997-about 2005. As these kids would have had a completely different experience more closely resembling that of millennials. Will be interesting to see.Please rate my list:

This message was edited 3/26/2022, 7:06 PM

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