Meggie/ Meggy
Do you think it works as a standalone name? Or is it only suitable as a diminutive for Margaret? Meggy/ Meggie?My beautiful, beautiful Makkari.
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Margaret is so much nicer though so no, I don't think it works.
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Meggie is more modern, and it looks better to me, and Meggy is a medieval name, yet it isn't all the appealing.
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Meggie is what my mother in law calls one of my cats. We named the cats Meg and Mog.I think it only works as a diminutive for Margaret or Megan.
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You’d have to enunciate like crazy to make sure people realize they’re not hearing “Maggie”. I’m not sure it’s worth it.
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I prefer Meg.
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I don't think it works as a standalone name. It is absolutely suitable as a diminutive for names like Margaret, Magdalen, and Megan, though it's not what I'd consider the best option for any of them.
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Only as a nn. Megan as the full name nn
Meg is nice too
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