Willa or Stella?
Willa Rose or Stella Grace?
Stella hands down, I don’t care for Willa. The mns are boring and fillerish though.
Willa Rose
Both names are popular and they're both good names. I know more Stellas.
Both names are popular and they're both good names. I know more Stellas.
Willa Rose
Both names are popular and they're both good names. I know more Stellas.
Both names are popular and they're both good names. I know more Stellas.
Stella Grace
Willa Rose
Neither, both are very overused.
Stella Grace
Stella Grace
To whomever needs to know this: if you just want a quick this or that answer the polling feature is best used then. Use the opinions board when you want more elaborate explanations as to why.
Willa always reminds me if the phrase, “gives me the willies”, and it doesn’t feel like it has a lot of substance. Stella is okay, but it’s been overused for a while now, along with Ella, Bella, et al. Paired with a filler middle name like Rose or Grace, neither name really catches the attention.
Estelle is a bit more fresh. What about that?
Estelle is a bit more fresh. What about that?