Is Forest a useable name or has Forrest Gump ruined it forever? Words cannot express how much I hate that movie. I like it for a boy.
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My uncle and cousin are named Forrest. (Funny side note, my cousin married a Jenny). I like the name, and I think the peers of a baby born today or in the near future would not know the movie well enough (if at all) to pick on him (run Forrest run!). Even for your peers, sure maybe you’d get the occasional quote from the movie, but it’s been long enough I think people are over it, even those that love the movie. I think there would just be some clarification about the spelling “forest like a tree or Forrest like Gump?”
I think Forest was always a bad word name.
No, it's not ruined, but try pronouncing it For-e-st instead or For-ist.
I don't like it as a name, nothing to do with the movie
I think because it’s a regular word. Sure the Forrest Gump association is there, but people are going to think about the woods first.
Would anyone named Forest hear a lot of "Run, Forest, run" jokes? Yes. But I don't think the association is totally overwhelming, forests also exist.