"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare


I love this name. I’d strongly consider using it, even with its meaning having absolutely no upside.
Its beautiful, but also very depressing. The Shakespeare association will never be shaken off, especially since he created the name himself. And it was specifically for that character.
Hi !!!
Desdemona ...
It has been in my list for a long, long, time
I love its sound, how it flows and how it looks.
It has a literarian but also gothic and witchy vibe.
It Is definetly one of my GP.
That's because I personally would never use a name meaning "ill-fated" for a child.
If the name were meaning something less negative It would be in my top10.
Desdemona ...
It has been in my list for a long, long, time
I love its sound, how it flows and how it looks.
It has a literarian but also gothic and witchy vibe.
It Is definetly one of my GP.
That's because I personally would never use a name meaning "ill-fated" for a child.
If the name were meaning something less negative It would be in my top10.
I *would* like it, but the meaning, plus the -mona ending ("moan"), turn me off a lot.
Especially the meaning. It's just too nothing-but-negative for me, like Mallory (another name I might like based on sound if not for the meaning). And Desdemona seems like it was coined primarily to be extremely pathetic, like Echo. I feel kind of sorry for people with names like that.
If only it were Desdemana or Desdemora or something else similar, and meant something auspicious, I'd probably like it alright.
Especially the meaning. It's just too nothing-but-negative for me, like Mallory (another name I might like based on sound if not for the meaning). And Desdemona seems like it was coined primarily to be extremely pathetic, like Echo. I feel kind of sorry for people with names like that.
If only it were Desdemana or Desdemora or something else similar, and meant something auspicious, I'd probably like it alright.
I’m neutral about it
Don't like it at all