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Raven (f)
So... people on the polls apparently hate Raven as a feminine name, but I wanted to see what people on the boards thought. Do you like Raven? Do you really dislike Raven?I'm working with the combo Raven Eleanor right now, but are there any other pairings you'd make?***Please rate my personal name
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I love it. I think Raven is good as a unisex name and I also like Ravenna as a girl name (to reference the bird, not the city).I like Raven Eleanor. Lots of Poe vibes, Eleanor is very close to Lenore.
Raven Cassiopeia
Raven Calliope
Raven Gwyneira
Raven Winona
Raven Brigid
Raven Artemisia
Raven Kasimira
Raven Isobel
Raven Isolda
Raven Isadora
Raven Ariadne
Raven Ysabel
Raven Miranda
Raven Laurana
Raven Minerva
Raven Diana
Raven Dianora
Raven Liadan
Raven Talitha
Raven Aurelia
Raven Hadassah
Raven Hippolyta
Raven Oriana
Raven Ophelia
Raven Ourania

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This message was edited 11/25/2021, 10:37 PM

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Thank you for the many combos!I've been trying to avoid too much of a "goth" flair, but Raven Morgana really is lovely.I also like:Raven Isabel / Raven Isobel
Raven Ariadne
Raven Talitha
Raven Corisande (this also made me think of Raven Melisande / Raven Melisende)
Raven Alexandria (also Raven Alexandra)
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I like the name Raven! But I think it doesn’t work for everyone. Raven, to me, is a feminine name and I picture a woman with dark features. I couldn’t use it for a child because a blonde Raven doesn’t make sense to me. I love the name Eleanor but I’m not sure about the pairing of Raven Eleanor. Maybe Raven Amelia?
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I second this.
Love Raven but not jiving with the Eleanor combo.I'd suggest:
Raven Octavia
Raven Ophelia
Raven Mara
Raven Blair
Raven Cordelia
Raven Dahlia
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It's short and sweet, but Raven Mara is very pretty.
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I think it's fine. It's like... so on-the-nose that it's wholesome. Goth/punk/whatever isn't necessarily an unwholesome edgy thing, it's just another way people express themselves. It's a pretty and very workable name and I'd love to have a student with this nameRaven Eleanor is boring. Eleanor is just so boring. I guess if I get out of that mindset I could find the combo pretty.My combos might not be any better but I'm gonna throw some at the wall
Raven Daphne
Raven Arabella
Raven Tiffany
Raven Vanessa
Raven Philomena
Raven Iriseta I'm friends with the local pagans and know a young Maia Raven. Her mom is a little self-conscious about the cheesiness of it, but if it's meaningful it's meaningful.

This message was edited 11/18/2021, 3:29 PM

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I like it but I don’t think I have the guts to use it.
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It's harsh, mischievous, and a bit campy.
It seems like a common name for fantasy/sci-fi characters.
I don't have strong feelings about it either way.Raven Jocasta
Raven Zola
Raven Sole
Raven Sunniva
Raven Varsha
Raven Zelda
Raven Helga
Raven Illuminata
Raven Elissa
Raven Antiope
Raven Merope
Raven Andromache
Raven Persephone
Raven Eurydice
Raven Eudora
Raven Ottessa
Raven Odilia
Raven Loretta
Raven Marsaili
Raven Aludra
Raven Prunella
Raven Blodeuwedd
Raven Sheila
Raven Celeste
Raven Makena
Raven Vetula
Raven Euphemia
Raven Laetitia

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This message was edited 11/17/2021, 3:27 PM

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Raven Illuminata! I love it. She's a cult leader, but in a fun way. Raven Merope is definitely a witch. Raven Odilia plays the black swan in swan lake. Raven Zemfira wears Oud perfume. Raven Deianeira is undeniably cool. Raven Murtagh is a fantasy villain. All of the above are meant as compliments. You've made me like Raven.

This message was edited 11/18/2021, 11:41 AM

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ooo, I like those descriptions. :)I don't know why (I feel like the ones you picked out are more evocative/mystical, which is what I like about Raven), but I think I'd most like to meet a Raven Jocasta, Raven Loretta, Raven Vetula, or Raven Arlene.

This message was edited 11/18/2021, 9:36 PM

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Of your combos, I like these the most:Raven Elissa
Raven Aludra (this one is very mysterious)
Raven Celeste
Raven Zemfira
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I love this name for a boy or a girl! It goes more on the girl's side for me, but I would love to meet a boy named Raven. It sounds mature and mysterious - kind of ominous. The associations aren't good, I'm afraid.
Ravens are a symbol of death. The Edgar Allan Poe poem titled 'The Raven' shows a prime example of that. Raven Eleanor as a combo does sound pretty, but its also a creepy coincidence. In 'The Raven', Poe mentions a lost lover named Lenore. Close to Eleanor, I think. But I'm not advising against the combo, that's just my input. For girls: Raven Cassandra, Raven Maria, Melanie Raven, Cecilia Raven, Raven Ophelia
Unisex, but more on the girl's side: Cassidy Raven, Winter Raven, Cleo Raven, Raven Tamsin
For Boys: Carlos Raven, Raven Sebastian, Raven Ramon, Raven Orlando, Michelangelo Raven, Damascus RavenI can't deny that it sounds very gothic. Raven the Teen Titan might've influenced my view of it being gothic and better on girls. I think Robin sounds more unisex than Raven, but maybe I'm just weird. :p
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I was hoping Eleanor wouldn't be too close in sound to Lenore, since the emphasis is on a different syllable; but another poster said it sounded like "Ray vanilla" and now I need to pick something else. :-PFrom the combos you've suggested, I like Raven Cassandra the most.
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Nothing's wrong with Ray Vanilla lol it doesn't mean anything.Raven Lenore is super pretty, though... hmmm
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It is pretty, but it's on-the-nose Edgar Allan Poe and I was trying to avoid being too gothic with it.
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I can't unhear it either, but it doesn't phase me. Vanilla could be a sweet nickname, no pun intended. I think that the Lenore resemblance is worse, but neither is particularly bad. I think that Raven Eleanor sounds beautiful, but if it bothers you, maybe try Eleanor Raven in that order?I'm glad that you like at least ONE of my combos. Pairing Raven with other names is very hard. It stands better on its own, or with two middle names, in my view, Like Raven Amelia Eleanor. No more vanilla there! Or Raven Cassandra Amelia, Raven Lenore Amelia. Ignoring the Poe thing might make you happier.
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I can't unhear it either, but it doesn't phase me. Vanilla could be a sweet nickname, no pun intended. I think that the Lenore resemblance is worse, but neither is particularly bad. I think that Raven Eleanor sounds beautiful, but if it bothers you, maybe try Eleanor Raven in that order?I'm glad that you like at least ONE of my combos. Pairing Raven with other names is very hard. It stands better on its own, or with two middle names, in my view, Like Raven Amelia Eleanor. No more vanilla there! Or Raven Cassandra Amelia, Raven Lenore Amelia. Ignoring the Poe thing might make you happier.
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I like it a lot, I always have. I met a young woman named Raven and thought it was really beautiful on her. I’ve always liked Raven Elizabeth
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I'm the cliche ex-15-year-old-goth-girl who was determined to use it for a future daughter. I still think it's cool.
And I think that cliche becomes completely irrelevant, when it's the name of a real person.
When you meet someone named Raven, any scorn you feel is your own problem, not hers. She's got this cool name, whether you think it's cool or not. It's no worse than Wednesday, or Lavender, or Tempest, or Nova. Names which a lot of people here think are cool, and I scorn them much like people scorn Raven. It's just tasteI don't care for Raven Eleanor. I feel like Eleanor is wrapped too tightly to go with Raven. I also hear "vanilla," it runs together too much, too many eh sounds in a row, too rhymey, like Raven Ellen.My usual combo is Raven Charlotte. Although that is an old favorite, and feels old to me, now that Charlotte's popular.
Raven Caroline, maybe. Raven Demetria.

This message was edited 11/17/2021, 1:49 PM

vote up5
Quote I also hear "vanilla," it runs together too much...
Well, dang. Now I can't unhear "Ray Vanilla." :-(
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I like Raven on a girl! It’s one of the better bird names. I kinda dig it on a boy too, but I slightly prefer it on a female. It just feels so dark, fancy, and glamorous. A little sexy too.I’m a Gen Z’er so I also think of Raven from Teen Titans go. She was cool.Raven is dark and cool. So I feel like it would go well with something similar. Or maybe, not to be cliché, something a little lighter.Raven Claire
Raven Guinevere
Raven Olivia
Raven Lucina
Raven Lior
Raven Nuray
Raven Noor
Raven Svetlana
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'The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entry of Duncan under my battlements' So, not only do I associate it with Lady Macbeth, but she associated it with masculinity. And, since she goes mad later on, the resemblance between Raven and someone who is ravin' is pretty unfortunate as well. I would not be pleased to see any human with Raven as a name.
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It's a fun, slightly more gothic nature-y name, which I appreciate since most nature names are frilly and girly it's nice to have variety, but only on a girl, on a boy it's a bit much. I see it as predominantly feminine because of Teen Titans. Though I don't see it as solely gothic because of Raven Symone, the most prominent IRL Raven I can think of, and she is very much not gothic in her "brand".

This message was edited 11/17/2021, 12:40 PM

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I really like it. For me, it is more of a guilty pleasure, but there are some people who could pull it off in real-life.
Although it was primarily used for girls in the 90s, it sounds fairly unisex like Robin. Raven Eleanor is nice, but my impulse is not to use a middle name that ends or begins with R.
Raven Ingrid
Raven Winifred
Raven Cosima
Raven Sybil
Raven Guinevere - Perhaps a bit over the top, but I would love to meet one.
Raven Althea
Raven Athenais
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I don't like it at all
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It’s the name that every 15-year old goth girl is convinced she’s going to use for her future daughter (or herself). Then she grows up. It’s so cliche it borders on self-parody.
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It's ugly, I think of a crow.
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I don't like it at all. It's one of those popular-for-a-very-short-time names that dates itself very quickly. It was very popular in the nineties among black people, and seemed to be made popular by Raven-Symone. Beyond that it was something wannabe goth girls of the period (and still today, from what I can tell) call themselves online or when writing bad poetry. It's a total cliche that way.
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