Thoughts? It would be pronounced the English way.
Our second wedding anniversary

What's the English way? I LOVE it said MAD-eh-line, but don't like MAD-eh-lynn so much.
I like it but I prefer it pronounced as Madelyn or Madeleine, sounds softer to me.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, GardenParty
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, GardenParty
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I'm not sure we would use a nn that much, but DH does enjoy Maddie so we would stick with that. We're thinking of it as a nice alternative to Maggie which we love, but this name would give us more options since we don't like Margaret and I would prefer a more formal name.
Our second wedding anniversary

I like it...
Though it seems very formal/adult to me
Though it seems very formal/adult to me
Yes, I can totally see that but the sophistication really appeals to me.
Our second wedding anniversary