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Girl Names that DON'T end in 'A'
Trying to find a first-middle combo. One name is Liora / Leora, but I am still looking for the other. Laverna, Cordelia, or Odessa were my fav's, but i'm not sure I like that 'ah-ah' sound. Any ideas? what 'clicks' with Liora for English speakers? I'm pretty neutral on Liora being first or middle - just whatever flows.Few I found -Alarice (Al-ah-reese)
Gertrud (her grandmother's name but DAMN, it's old fashioned)Pls be nice, but tell me what you think! Thank you!
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I feel like Odette might be a good choice. Similar to Odessa, strong literary/arts roots like Cordelia, and Liora Odette looks very pretty and lyrical.Gertrud IS old fashioned, but middle names rarely get used and I think people are usually very encouraging once they find out a "grandma" middle name is indeed an actual grandma middle name. A friend of mine has the middle name Elfrieda after a great-grandma, and our classmates always thought it was cool once they heard the story. But if Gertrud isn't quite your style, maybe naming a similar meaning might be nice? Gertrude has "strength" in its meaning, as does the name Valentine. Liora Valentine is gorgeous.

This message was edited 10/13/2021, 9:37 AM

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Liora Gertrud would be nice to honour your grandmother, are there any other honour namesothers Beatrix Annabel April Amy Chantal Chelsea Daphne Genevieve Vivienne Imogen Josephine Jacqueline May Naomi Phoebe Penelope Juliet Ruth Ruby Suzanne Yvette Yvonne Xanthe
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