Thoughts on Tiffany? I have a classmate named this for the school year. Would you like Theophania more? Is it just me or do I really like that meaning?
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare


It’s ok but such an intensely 80s/90s name.
Don’t care for Theophania particularly.
Don’t care for Theophania particularly.
Theophania has more dignity than Tiffany, but so does slipping on a banana peel and landing on one's bum in a mud puddle. If I were President of the Intergalactic Federation (no idea why the election results aren't out yet), I'd erase both names from Earth people's memories.
I love Tiffany. It’s been a name I loved since a kid. I’ve known a few people I don’t like with the name but I still love. Despite it being one of the most popular names of the ‘80’s and ‘90’s, I don’t seem to hear it much.
I wrote a long blog post about the meaning. My only blog post! I love Tiffany as Theophania-in-disguise. And I do like Theophania more, I took it for my astrology brand and consider it for my posting name here.
I like it