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Cornelia / Cordelia have always been names that I liked but flip flop on. Cornelia has a softer sound to me, and I don’t mind the Cornelius association, but I also don’t know if I like the “corn” association itself. Cordelia is very pretty, and I love the nickname Delia, but I know it’s popular as well.I guess overall I’m wondering1. Do you prefer Cornelia or Cordelia
2. Do you think Cornelia will ever pick up as much as Cordelia seems to have?
3. Overall impression of Cornelia?
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I absolutely adore Cordelia! Cornelia is okay, but to me, Cordelia is far prettier. I like the masculine form Cornelius better than Cornelia.
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I really don't like either. My grandpa's middle name was Cornelius and he hated it, so maybe that has something to do with my feelings and also why I see them both as very old fashioned, old people names. Maybe Cordelia has picked up in some places, but not where I live. I also live in an area surrounded by corn fields so I definitely wouldn't want the corn association. If I have to pick one it would be Cordelia to avoid the corn sound and because I like Delia.
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Cornelia is my favorite. I had a grand-uncle named Cornelius (he passed away long before I was born), and I always thought about using Cornelia on a girl to "honor" him.
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Cornelia is a spoiled princess. Cordelia is a gothic heroine. I much prefer the latter image.The “d” in Cordelia really gives the name an edge imo. Cornelia falls flat in comparison.
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I don't really like Cornelia, like Cordelia though
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I rather like Cornelia better - Cordelia always struck me as a bit too precious, too fake-saccharine - a sly, goody two shoes sort of name. Cornelia has real backbone to it, a sternness that I can appreciate. I don't think of Cordelia as being popular, however. It's still a very rare name. I can see Cornelia getting *some* love as trends change away from hyper-frilly names, which I feel certain they will. Cornelia fits in nicely with other rising stars like Eleanor, Vera, and Theodora. It's elegant but also very no-nonsense. I do think the "corn" part will prevent it from getting hugely popular. I rather like the idea of a Cornelia called Nell or Nellie.
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I don't think either are popular - neither are even in the top 1000 so I think it's hard to say which is more popular than the other. I like both personally but prefer Cordelia. I don't like the nickname Delia though. My niece is a Cordelia and her nickname is Cordy. I think Cornelia has better nickname potential though, particularly Nell.
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