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What do you think of this name?Also, what do you think of the traditional English form Carmel?

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”-Lori Greiner

This message was edited 8/13/2021, 4:37 AM

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Love the name Carmen. I had a friend once tell me you shouldn’t use it if you’re not Hispanic but I don’t agree. Yes, it’s of Spanish origin but who really cares? It’s a lovely name. I don’t like the English version Carmel at all. Sounds like caramel.

This message was edited 8/14/2021, 7:59 AM

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I know a few Carmen’s. The name itself I always felt neutral on. No strong feelings, really. Carmel, is meh. If a wanted a “garden” name I wouldn’t chose Hortensia or Vesna.
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Carmen Sandiego! Seriously, though, I think it’s a sweet, melodious name.
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Carmen is very saucy. I like it.I prefer Carmela / Carmella to Carmel, which doesn't sound like a name to me.
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Carmen is a nice name. I like it, it's cool.
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Carmen has a 1940's movie star sort of energy to me. It's glamorous in a down to earth way. I quite like it.Carmel makes me think of a dog name, and also a hospital/seniors home, because "Mount Carmel" is used in so many institution names. I still love the sound - it's so buttery and rich.
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I think Carmen is beautiful. It's one of my favorite Spanish names, and I think it carries over well for non-Hispanic people as well.
Carmel just makes me think of caramel.
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I love Carmen! It’s feminine while still being strong, straightforward and non-frilly.Carmel makes me think of nuns and caramel.
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It's ok
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I love Carmen and prefer it to Carmel, but Carmel is also pretty.
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