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Re: Tiberius…
in reply to a message by Ani
It does come off as the sort of name you'd see on a dotty old British professor. I see it more as eccentric than pretentious. I have met one Tiberius (some folks called him Ty) and he was actually an old midwestern farmer with almost no teeth and the most sun-weathered and wrinkled skin you've ever seen lol Cracking a joke a minute. He used to hang out at the Knights where my dad drinks with his buds but I haven't seen him in years. I doubt he's keeled over though, he seemed like one of those people who can smoke, drink, and eat fried food all day long but be fine somehow. Anyway, he funnily enough was absolutely nothing how I imagine a Tiberius. I like it the name myself.
My PNLs = Henry and Clara (main) / Sirius & Guinevere (GP) / James & Charlotte (top25)
Bottom: Delsin and Brisen (main) / Dinadan & Ninniane (GP) / Corvo & Deva (top25)
last updated 07/2021

This message was edited 8/12/2021, 6:53 PM

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