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Reeve (f)
What do you think of Reeve for a girl? **After supposedly dying on January 30, 2007 after eating tainted pancakes, she returned several times as an angel and was revealed to be alive on May 17, 2011. )**
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Sounds like one of those names people are hoping to pass off as a family name, vaguely with the air that one has an important family to connect to, so important that one can afford to wear a surname as first name very unconventionally. It's no longer effective IMO but I think it still appeals to people anyway.
Also soundalike "reave" which I associate as very violent.
So not my thing. But I would get used to a real life Reeve. It's not that bad a sound. If it were a classic girl name already, instead of as it is - I might like it.
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I don't care for it in general, so, in this case, it doesn't matter whether the name is on a boy or a girl.
The name Reeve gives off a strange image to me. Reeve the reaper smoked a reefer while waiting to collect the soul of the local reeve.
Other than wanting to come up with bad rhymes around it, it just makes me think of a pompous magistrate in a medieval town that gives the local peasants a hard time.
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Don't like it
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Nope.I get that it sounds similar to Eve, but that R in the beginning really changes it. (I also don't like Reese / Rhys for a girl.) I also went to college with a dude named Reeve, which gives me a very specific image of the name (and it's definitely masculine).
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A bit too craggy. I appreciate its sharpness, though.
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It reminds me of the name Reece, Reese, Rhys that was popular a while back. I think it works for boys and girls with the "eve" sound helping it work for girls. I like it and it would be a great middle name.
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What's the point? Just name her Riva or Reva or even Reeva and let nature take its course. Anyway, back when reeve was an occupation, it would have been male-only, if that matters.
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It was the name of one of Charles Lindbergh's daughters. It was a family name. That was the point.
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Charles Lindbergh - my goodness! The other point is that family names aren't necessarily for general use. Would anyone see that a Lindbergh daughter answered to Reeve and decide to use it themselves? I suppose it's possible, but surely it never caught on?
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I dunno. I like it.
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I honestly don't like it as a name period but if I were to hear I'd assume the kid is a boy.
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