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Raleigh for a girl ??
Ok, WDYT of Raleigh (RAW-lee) which is masculine being for a girl. I want to say Raleigh as (Ri-lee). But with the spelling I think they would say Raw-Lee. How would you spell it to say Ri-Lee??The name I am thinking is Abbigail Railee Schubert??? Kristin :)
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I like it! For a first name, I went to school with a Raleigha (Raw leigh ah) Raleigh works good for middle.
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I know a girl named Raleigh, pronounced like Raw-lee
I never really thought of it as a masculine name.
but I think it you want something pronouned rye-lee.
you ought to spell it Riley.
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Raleigh is definitely too masculine to use for a girl. I'd also pronounce it as RAH-lee, not RAW-lee. If you want it to be pronounced as RYE-lee, then I'd use the spelling Riley or Rylee. Riley is the most common spelling though.
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How on earth can you get RIE-lee out of Raleigh? O_o It doesn't make any phonetic sense to me. And in any case, Raleigh (pr. RAW-lee) is too masculine for a girl imo.Abigail Riley Schubert's a good name imo. Just please don't misspell Abigail with that unnecessary B.
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I would have to say I really really dislike the name combo, the spelling of Abigail bothers me unless of course it was a type-o but the way things are going now-a-days you just can't tell. But if it is a typeo then I love the name Abigail :)
As for Raleigh, I live about two hours away from Raleigh (Raw-Lee) NC so I wouldn't never dream of using it for a name, I don't like it as a name at all. If you want her middle name to be pron Ri-Lee then use the normal spelling of Riley.I think as a name combo Abigail Riley would be very nice :)
“I never wanted to be different I just wanted to be me”
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I love Abigail (this spelling). :)My favorite spelling for that pronounciation is Riley.-- Sarah
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I once knew a Raleigh. She pronounced it Ray-LEE.It doesn't thrill me.
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Raleigh would be pronounced as RAW-lee, like the city in North Carolina (or if you're from there, it sounds more like RAW-lah :b). If you want it to sound like Ri-Lee, then what's wrong with Riley (Rylee, Rileigh, etc)? I don't see how one would get Ri-Lee out of Raleigh, anyway (unless you maybe spelled it Raileigh or Railee, but even then I think most would assume it was RAY-lee). Abigail Riley would be best, imo.
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I hate it, sorry. It looks very trashy and unintellectual, and I find the whole name too masculine for a girl anyways. It's terribly trendy, too.
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I know a 14/15 year old girl named this. She says it RAY-lee, she has a brother named Devon and a sister named Brynn (both older), and sometimes people call her Ray for short.
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It doesn't have a very appealing sound to me at all, sorry.Ri-lee I would spell Riley??? I'm confused I think. I don't see ri-lee in Raleigh or Railee at all.Abbigail Railee looks pretty bad imo. Abigail Riley would be a lot classier-looking.
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I say Rah-lee or Rawlee for Raleigh. Riley wold be the spelling your looking for. Railee makes me think of Ray-lee.I only like both Raleigh and Riley for boys though.
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Raleigh is way too masculinet - I pronounce it Rah-lee or Rawlee, and I think of Sir Walter Raleigh.
Spelling it Railee looks like Rail as in Railroad, so I would pronounce it Ray-lee.
If you want it pronounced Ri-lee then spell it Riley or Rilee.But Riley and Rilee are also nms.
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Its nmsaa. but thats just me. To say Ri-lee i;d spell it Riley,Rilee or Rileigh.
get your blinkie blocks from!
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what does nmsaa stand for I am new here and have not caught on to all the abbv.
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it means 'not my style at all'
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