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Rhyming sibset
This is my second post in a row but I just thought of something…My grandma had eight kids (6 girls, 2 boys) in the span of 10 years, and accidentally named her first two kids with rhyming names. She decided to keep up the pattern with the girls. Here were their names:Tiffani
JaremWhat do you think about these? I’m curious. They were all born around the 70’s and 80’s. I like some of their names, but then again I’ve heard them my whole life. Some of them are also spelled a bit alternatively.
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Yikes.She could have kept the pattern all the way through! Why wasn't Jarem Jeremy (or "Jaremi")?! That would bother me SO much. I actually like Tiffany, but not spelled that way. And Melanie and Daphne (lol accidentally spelled it "Daphnie" at first) are pretty, especially together. Daphne is actually another odd one out because she doesn't have enough syllables. I was thinking the other day that Stephanie is actually quite pretty, I just can't see its charms anymore because I grew up with soooo many.
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Daphne and Stephanie are quite acceptable - pity about Grandma's -i fixation. I prefer Bethan to Bethany, and I've never liked Tiffany, Melanie or Brittany at all. The boy names puzzle me. Why Jasen? Why mess with spellings? And, if Jasen, then why not Jaren? Weird.
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Not a fan of that much rhyming or the alternative spellings.
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I like most of the names except Jarem, I prefer different spellings for most of the girls
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Daphne really stands out. The rest of these seem like stereotypical ‘70’s/‘80’s names, but Daphne is just…Scooby Doo to me.
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The rhyming is not too bad. Then again I only noticed that the names of the sisters on Little House on the Prairie rhyme after watching the show for years. Oops. They are Mary and Carrie.I dislike the spellings.I like Daphne. Tiffany is cute and I don't mind Stephanie.Melanie and Bethany are okay. So is Brittany.Jarem is a bit weird. Jason is okay.So overall fine but not great. Daphne sort of sticks out and Jarem.
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