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Raisa or Shaina
A friend is trying to decide on a name. She's wanting a Yiddish name to honor her heritage. These are her two favorites. I prefer Raisa but it's probably going to cause major pronounciation issues.
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I prefer Raisa. The Yiddish pronunciation is RYE-sa, right?
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RaisaI think Raisa is way more sophisticated than Shaina, which sounds a bit...tacky? Like a plastic diamond.

This message was edited 6/26/2021, 5:14 PM

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Raisa sounds and looks fashionable but I am not sure if it is ra-ee-sah or rye-sah.I prefer the Shayna spelling over Shaina. I love this name, but it feels a little dated where I am (United States)
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Raisa, it's so pretty sounding and I love the meaning 'rose'. Shaina sounds rougher and also dated in the US.
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I feel the same way about Shaina. It reminds me of a 1980s-1990s bleached blonde grocery store clerk. I prefer Shauna, it has a softer sound to it.
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I like Shaina, I knew one growing up but she spelled it Shayna so this is the spelling I prefer because of her. It makes me think of childhood firefly catching at sunset and the smells of summer barbecue being cooked.

This message was edited 6/26/2021, 2:10 PM

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Raisa for sure.
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