Nancy and Janice
My two nieces created a couple of "old lady" personas, and they named them Nancy and Janice. I think it's kind of funny that these are "old lady" names to them, since they are "mom" names to me, but times change, etc. etc.Anyway, what do you think of Nancy and Janice? Do you like them? Do you think either of them will ever make a comeback?
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I've known two women named Janice. One was an elderly lady who loved to garden and bird watch; she passed away in her nineties. The other Janice was a passionate grad student in her twenties when I knew her but would be about thirty now. They were both very nice women, and they made me like Janice. Nancy makes me think of a maid in a movie or book set in the late 1800s or of a waitress in a 50s diner. It is a comfortable name.
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I've known a couple of Janice people who would certainly count as old ladies - born in late 40s, early 50s. I don't mind the name, but it's not my style and I'd never consider using it. I far prefer Janet, which is probably even older.Nancy isn't really used where I live. I knew a Nancy who lived here in South Africa but was British; she hated her name and went by Nan. And I had a colleague whom I never met - she used to send out emails to staff which showed her name as Nancy-Ann (or maybe Nancy-Anne), but she signed them NAnn! I don't know what her parents were thinking: perhaps they had two people they really, really wanted to honour. I like Nancy a lot and would consider using it IRL.For the record, I've known a few Afrikaans women named Anna who were known as Ansie - sounds like Unsy.
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These are names in my age group -- definitely grandma names. So to me they are just everyday basic names. I went to school with plenty of Nancys, Janices and Janises. Most girls with the names Janice and Janis seemed to go by Jan BTW. But to answer your question about whether they will come back, I think the time isn't right yet. After my contemporaries are all dead, then I can see their charm returning.
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I find them very warm and earthy. My maternal grandma (born in 1923) was named Janice, so I’ve always thought of it as a grandma name. I would not be surprised if Nancy (and Betty) returned to the popularity charts soon.
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I hope you're right! I've always associated Nancy with Betsy, which I prefer to Betty; not sure how that would fly in the US, though.
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Don't like either and I don't think they'll comeback
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I love Nancy. It has a similar vibe to Betty or Bonnie. So I could absolutely see it making a comeback. Janice might take a bit longer.
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I’m in my 30’s and I think they are starting to be old lady names. Nancy is okay, but it’s just dated and Janice is ugly and old.
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