Re: Primrose
in reply to a message by DLB
I'd like to have a student named Primrose. I don't really have any other way of gauging names haha. I'm not sure I'd like a daughter named Primrose, or to be named it myself. It was my dog's shelter name and I call her Primrose and Primmy and Prim a lot. It's great for her, because she is a bit of a diva. I think Prim is a really cute and endearing sound but it's such a specific adjective that I'm not sure it's good for a person. I bet I'd call a Primrose PR.
Really the only thing that holds me back from liking it more is the meaning of the word Prim. Sort of like Priscilla, except worse because the adjective is "prissy" which isn't literally contained in Priscilla or its nicknames... dang Priscilla is a great name... shoulda named Prudence that... maybe it's not too late

Really the only thing that holds me back from liking it more is the meaning of the word Prim. Sort of like Priscilla, except worse because the adjective is "prissy" which isn't literally contained in Priscilla or its nicknames... dang Priscilla is a great name... shoulda named Prudence that... maybe it's not too late