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WDYT?"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do..." - Albert Einstein
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I like that it's sprightly but also grounded.
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It's one of my consistent favorite names. I think it seems elegant, and I like how concise it is...or, it's pretty like Mira but more brisk.
It does sound older to me (I'd group it with names like Marta and Miriam), but it wouldn't seem out of place as young either.

This message was edited 4/21/2021, 10:49 AM

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It's ok, maybe even better than Myrtle, but I like to throw away t, to get Mira, and pronounce it MEE-rah.
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It's cute in a sort of dorky way, a la Martha and Berta. I like it! I would say it more like "Murda" though, which probably takes away some of its charm, but makes it really sweet to me.
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Don’t like it at all.
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