What do you think of the name Tonya?
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It is spritely and down to earth at the same time, which is a juxtaposition that I like. When I was a kid, I remember looking up Tonya in a name book and reading that it meant "fairy queen." According to BtN, it doesn't mean that at all, but I wish it did since it fits in with how I see the name.
Prefer Tonia; prefer Antonia even more
Don't really like it
I was obsessed with this name for a while when I was 17. Not sure why honestly I think because it is a very sharp sound. In the present I still like it okay, it's still better than Toni as a diminutive of Antonia/etc. but its no longer my favorite middle aged mom name.
I think, it's boring. It could be short for Antonia, Antonina, Antoinette, Antonella?
Well, it's still not my cup of tea.
Well, it's still not my cup of tea.