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I was listening to an audiobook earlier, and there was a character named Andrew. The narrator had a Scottish accent and for some reason it took hearing it in that accent to make me realize that it's actually a beautiful name. It was really common for boys in my generation (born in 80s, grew up in 90s) so I've always thought it was kind of meh when I thought about it at all. But really, it does have some really nice sounds. What do you think of it? I like the name in full. I really dislike Drew and Andy isn't much better. What do you prefer?There's a baby in my son's daycare class named Andrew. I was sort of surprised to hear it on a baby, but I suppose it's a pretty solidly well-used name, so it'll probably not fall fully out of favor for a while (if it ever does). Would you be surprised to meet a little one?

This message was edited 2/18/2021, 11:15 AM

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I hate the "Drew" part. I can't say it in a way that sounds nice. I can make my voice really pretty but the "drew" (specifically the "ew") sounds ugly no matter what.
I like other "Andr-" names. I dated an Andrew in high school who just went by Andrew. I also knew some other Andrews, some (older) Andys, and a couple Drews. Andrew is kind of like James in my experience (older ones are called Andy and Jim, younger ones are called Andrew and James).
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From what I understand, Andrew is still getting use in the new generation of babies, along with Anthony (which I also thought would've become dated). I know of at least one baby with each name - both are sons of former classmates.Drew's sound doesn't bother me; but what does is that it's the past tense of "draw." It's still better than Andy, though. I have despised the sound of Andy since the first time those juvenile syllables ever reached my ears. I know that's an extreme description for a harmless nickname, but it's not an understatement. I loathe Andy. More than Sam and Pat (other sounds that grate on my ears). Not even Toy Story could fully redeem the name Andy, and I love Toy Story.That is why Andrew has always been off-limits to me as a first name. I'm not even a huge fan of the full name by itself, which is why I don't really use it as a middle either; but I can imagine it sounding attractive when said by a Scot. :-)
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I knew a couple of Andrews when I was growing up. They both went by Andy.I like the name, and I don't dislike Andy, but my favorite NN is Drew. I really like Drew for a girl, too **ducks tomatoes**.Oliver and Andrew would make an adorable sibset. No, I wouldn't be surprised to meet one. It's a well known name, and it's handsome.
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I love Drew for a girl, too.
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I love it! I don't get the prince thing though...?
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I think you nailed it when you said you found it "kind of meh". It was around when I was at school, but not overly popular that I can recall. I can't stand Drew either. Andy is bland (blandy Andy). If I was forced to use Andrew, I would give him a J middle name so I could call him AJ, or just call him by his middle name. I would be quite surprised to see it on a baby. The association with the prince has ruined it.
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Andrew is a good, solid name. I like it. My parents had Timothy Andrew picked out for a boy. I wouldn't be surprised to meet a little Andrew - especially a Catholic one.
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Neat fact - Andrew has never dropped out of the top 100.Take a look.
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I actually love the name Andrew, especially with the nn Drew. Unfortunately, my SO has vetoed it because it is his best friend's brother's name. I knew two Andrews growing up and both went by their full name with no nn.ETA: Also, his best friend's sibset is Andrew, Thomas & Evan. I think it's a cute sibset.

This message was edited 2/18/2021, 1:28 PM

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I like Andrew, it's very solid without being as everyman as John or William. Drew is horrid, Andy is much better. I can't speak for Andrews, but I would be surprised if I met a young Andrzej (the Polish form of Andrew) - it's considered quite dated here, and it doesn't help that it's the name of our less-than-popular president.
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I would be a bit surprised to meet a young Andrew. I dislike the -drew part of this name so I prefer Andre, Anderson, etc. as I actually have a soft spot for "Andy".
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I really like it. I have a cousin with the name though, so can’t use it. I don’t like Drew either but I think Andy would be quite cute on a little boy. It’s decreasing in popularity quite a bit here, I wonder if that’s because people are associating it with Prince Andrew at the moment.
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Gosh, yes - that would put any thinking person right off it!
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It's a great name
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I find it wimpish and limp and dull in the extreme, but I admit that a good Scots accent cheers just about anything up.
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This is probably a name that will never really be unpopular, so no, I wouldn't be surprised to meet a small Andrew.
I've always liked it and might have used it. I don't like the nn Drew, it gives me such a prissy, sour-faced little vibe. Andy is a friendly, aw-shucks sort of nn, but not every guy is suited to it.
I know an Andrew who's Valerie's age, he's a Junior and goes by AJ, his dad is Andy. And there is a woman I used to work with who has twins who are about seven or eight named Sara and Andrew. I don't know what he's called for a nn, if anything.
I don't think there was ever an Andrew in school with me, but I do remember a few guys named Andre.
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I love Andrew it is a good, solid and classic name. It was popular in the 80s and 90s but I wouldn’t be surprised to meet a little Andrew now either.I prefer the nickname Andy to Drew as Drew seems old to me where as Andy could be any age.
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It's the boringest.I wouldn't be too surprised to meet a young one. The parents were probably going for a handsome classic.I like Andy. It's smiley and friendly. Drew isn't much fun for me.
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I don't think it's a bad sounding name, but I do think it's boring. It's like the more sensitive Matthew, or...the more biblical Adrian.
My favorite version soundwise is Andre, which I think is handsome yet still bores me.My cousin has a son named Andrew "Andy". I think he's a young teenager now.
I thought it was an okay choice when she used it. Her daughter is Emily.
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I feel similar to you about this one - it's actually a pretty nice name, but I knew so many that I've become immune to its charms. There is actually something satisfying about saying this name; it feels nice in the mouth, if that's not too weird to say. There are a few names that really give me a nice mouthfeel and Andrew is definitely one of them. Interesting all the Andrews I've known were Andrews in full - I've never known a Drew or an Andy! I guess I sort of prefer Andy because it's a bit more retro, but it does sound bratty. Drew is pretty insufferably yuppie. I guess I would be mildly surprised to hear about a baby Andrew, depending on who the parents were, what they were like. It is kind of a forgettable classic name so it's not really that unusual, but there is something unimaginative about it. It would be similar to hearing about a baby Steven. I'd be like, "oh, people still call their kids that? I guess they do. I guess that makes sense."
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YawnIt's handsome, I guess, but I find it rather dull. Andreas is nice.
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I like Drew ok, but imo Andrew should be on par with Adolf :)
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What? Why?
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Andrew Jackson and his "Manifest Destiny"
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I think there are so many Andrews that it doesn't matter, as long as you don't name your kid Andrew Jackson. Adolf is different, it's a name that pretty much makes everyone think of one specific person.
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The only thing I can think of is Prince Andrew. There are so many Andrew's that I don't think this is a problem though.
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and anyway ...If you examine all the royals throughout history for nastiness and evil, Prince Andrew barely even rates a mention.
In any case, comparing anybody to Hitler in such a clumsy, careless way is the mark of a weak argument.
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thanks pal. Lol

This message was edited 2/19/2021, 1:30 PM

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That wouldn't be a problem
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