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Re: Recent BAs & their siblings
in reply to a message by Alda
Anna Marie (Joseph) -- Boring but not bad
Lenore Kathleen (Theo, Everly & Mara) -- I like it. Kathleen is a little dated but I still like it, and Everly is trendy but not bad.
Eleanor Jane "Nora" -- Alright, but Eleanor is pretty and Nora is so boring
Anna Caroline (Joseph, Naomi, Elizabeth "Ella" & Ezra) -- Meh. I like Anna, Naomi, and Elizabeth together.
Miriam Joan (Damian) -- Like the combo and sibling combo
Harken Clover (half-siblings Blaise & Philomena) -- Harken would be cool on a boy. Clover is cute. Blaise is nms but I love the old school combination of Blaise and Philomena
Taylor Marie (Caleb, Carly & Jackson) -- ugh nope, too boring
Calvin Adeleine -- this makes no sense
Arwen Rose -- love it!! Henry Michael (Adeline, Walter & Juliette) -- meh, nms
Boaz Thomas (Cecilia & Eric) -- still nms but cooler
Judah Lawrence (Aaron) -- also nms
Enoch Van (Penelope "Penny" & Pippa) -- Enoch is cool, Van is weird here
Ezra Jay (Sophia) -- Ezra is cool but Jay is dated
Karl Athanasius (Edmund) -- love the middle name, not sure about Karl
Reuben Matthew -- alright, this could grow on me (but I prefer Ruben or Rubin for a name, Reuben sounds too sandwichy)
Oliver David -- pretty good
Gregory Walter "Walter" (Kaitlin, Ava, Cecilia & Lucia "Lucy") -- nope, but I like Cecilia and Lucia together
Jaxson Ace (Jason & Jana) -- Jana is nice but the rest is bad
Luke John-Paul (Damian) -- Alright
Jude Benson -- don't like Jude but Benson is fine -----I'd make these combos:

Arwen Lenore
Anna Philomena
Eleanor Joan
Miriam Rose
Clover JaneEnoch Athanasius
Damian Matthew
Theo Edmund
Luke David
Oliver Michael
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