Yay or nay? What do you think about it?
♣ https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/214161 ♦
♣ https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/214161 ♦
I love Zéphyrine, but Zépherine looks wrong to me.
I prefer it spelled with a Y and am iffy on the fer sound, but generally, I think it's a fun name.
This message was edited 12/14/2020, 12:46 PM
Yay! I love it! Always (well, since I discovered BtN!) been one of my faves!
I love a good Z names. I say yay, I'd love to meet one.
I believe the traditional spelling Zéphyrine to be more legitimate. It's cool.
This message was edited 12/14/2020, 9:29 AM