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I'm obsessed with the name Hippolyta lately, not sure exactly why, although I've also been randomly liking Philippa and Eowyn, so maybe it's horse related.Do you love anything about it? (if so, what?)
Do you hate anything about it? (if so, what?)
Or, are you indifferent to it?How would you use it in a combo?

This message was edited 12/13/2020, 6:16 PM

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Rather pompous-sounding when I try to imagine it on a little girl. It’s not really my type anyways.
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I like it! It's very fun, and I like the mathematician. Alice Hippolyta immediately comes to mind
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Anything with hip or hippo is unsuitable for a future adult female.As a name, and of its period, it's fine. Not now. But as a mn it could be very surprising!
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I love Hippolyta! Its stateliness and mythological richness appeal to me. I also love the cascade of sounds.Hippolyta Alice
Hippolyta Audrey
Hippolyta Clare
Hippolyta Eve
Hippolyta Frances
Hippolyta Ingrid
Hippolyta Iris
Hippolyta Jane
Hippolyta Lucy
Hippolyta Marianne
Hippolyta Mary
Hippolyta Ruth
Hippolyta Sophie

This message was edited 12/13/2020, 7:17 PM

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I’ve also been loving Hippolyta lately! I find it very lovely.Philippa and Eowyn are also adorable, and while I don’t personally love the horse connection it does give the names a sweet “vibe.” They make me think of heart shaped lockets and pretty things for some reason.Hippolyta Abigail / Gale / Gayle sounds especially sweet to me.More...Hippolyta Alix
Hippolyta Anastasia
Hippolyta Arwen
Hippolyta Jane / Janine / Jeanine
Hippolyta Maxine
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I'm aware of the pronunciation (at least the one provided on the name page) but the "Hippo" part is definitely hard to miss, so it's a hard pass for me. I also don't really care much for the sound. Just isn't my cup of tea I dislike Philippa as well, but I wouldn't call it terrible by any means. I'm fine with Eowyn. Its appearance may not be the most elegant, but I absolutely prefer the sound of it over the other two names, especially Hippolyta.
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I like it.
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