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What’s your opinion on the name Donald?
Honestly, it’s one of the most ugly names I ever heard. 0/10 honestly.
1. I never liked the name to begin with, it’s too associated with Donald Trump.
2. I live in America, where somehow the Cheeto puff got into office.
3. It’s just not a good name. I dislike it with a passion. If I actually see a little boy with the name Donald one day I’m actually gonna cry."People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day." Rate my personal name list please :)
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It’s ok. I don’t hate it but it’s not a name I’d consider using for a child. It sounds old fashioned to me and I always think of Donald Duck.
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Extraordinarily ugly.
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1Even without the orange monster, it would be dated and reminiscent of Donald Duck.
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5/10Interesting meaning.
My first thought is always Donald Duck though. I prefer something like ReginaldReggie” or ArchibaldArchie” etc.
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I almost never think of Trump as "Donald" or hear him referred to that way, plus he wasn't on my radar before 5 or 6 years ago.My main/oldest associations are Ronald McDonald (fast food, clown) and Donald Duck (cartoons). So, it doesn't sound serious or handsome to me.If I try to take it more seriously, it seems old-fashioned, and I hear it in a Scottish accent.
I guess it's sort of similar to Malcolm, which I do like, but Donald seems more buttoned-up or Don seems more likely to love golf.
I'd put Don in the same group as Glenn. Donald seems goofier than Ronald, and I'd prefer Gerald, Harold, Leonard, Bernard, Douglas, Roger, Danny, Diarmad to either.

This message was edited 10/31/2020, 11:54 AM

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As a name, I actually do like it. Don is a nice nickname and Donald has something very mature to it. Dated but respectable. Donny is cute. I love Donald Duck but I grew up with his Danish name so I have to remind myself that he’s Donald and not Anders. And yeah, Trump has tainted it to a degree where I couldn’t use it. But maybe the stain will wear off with time.
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4I don't associate it with Trump at all. I could just forget it is his name, because it's been such a common and normal name for guys, my whole life. I've met so many guys named Don. They're all still alive, and still great guys.
It's dated now of course, goes with Ronald, Robert, Richard, Douglas.
I give Donald 5 for being a decent name generally, minus one because I don't like it.I've never liked it. I just don't really care for the sounds in it. Don to me does not sound very masculine. And makes me think of mafia dons and Don Juan.
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I never enjoyed it much either, and now the fast-food clown and the presidential clown have united to wreck it.But, strictly as a name, it's still better than flabby Ronald. Which was also presidential. Oh dear.
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4.5/10It is a fairly typical old man's name. I've known a couple of nice older gentleman with the name, so they gave me good feelings toward it. Donald Duck makes it a bit cartoony. President Trump is known more by his last name than his first, but there are people who will still hate on Donald as a name due to the association. I would rate Ronald about the same and both are better than Arnold.
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9/10As a name, I really like it. The nickname possibilities alone are endless man. Donnie
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Etc? You listed three nicknames and two of them are redundant. What's left... Nald?
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Yup. Lol I honestly don't know what else there is
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3/10This has never been a favorite name of mine. But I do have several relatives with the name. So that gives it a small boost. But any appeal it may have ever had is certainly gone for the foreseeable future.

This message was edited 10/30/2020, 3:20 PM

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Used to think it was cute, especially for animals. As I'm in America, it's been ruined.
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Hard one to rateI actually like this name. I used to like it more, but then, you know, Trump. Luckily my first association is still Donald Duck so that's still a plus (love those Disney Ducks).It's like Alfred and Arnold, it's got like this nice kinda vibe to it, but in a very... specific way. I'm not sure what way that is.Also Donny is one of my favorite nicknames.So if you were to @ me on Donald before the literal fascist was elected, I'd probably give it a good 6/10 = won't use it, kinda respect itBut now it's more like 2/10 Donald Duck is the ONLY good thing about this name and I'm not sure how much that says about it
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0/10 because of Trump. Also, Donald Duck.
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It's the middle name of my newborn nephew. He's Jacob Donald, named after two of his great-grandfathers.I don't care for the name, it brings to mind Donald Duck. I don't think it's ready for a comeback.
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0/10Don’t insult the intelligence of an infant by giving them this burdensome name.
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I don't mind the nn Don, it's kind of a "favorite uncle" type of name. (No, I don't have an Uncle Don.)
But Donald has always seemed kinda hapless and goofy to me. Not like Ronald, which I still wouldn't use but like much better.
Donald is similar in feel to me as Bernie or Leon.
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