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What are your thoughts on Valerie?Feel free to pair it with a middle name if you'd like.
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I don't know about anyone else (If whether or not I'm in the minority here) but I absolutely don't care for this name. I think it sounds dated, stuffy and very unnatractive. It probably doesn't help the fact that every Valerie I've ever came across, I've been...well, let's just say, less than a fan of. (And for good reasons! Namely, 2 in particularly gave me really but bad vibes. They likely caused me dislike the name all the more). So clearly, I'm not a fan. :S
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I really like how it sounds, love the meaning, and I think the nickname Val is cute. I am only a bit hesitant about it because it does feel a bit dated to me?
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I think it's ok
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Not a personal favorite, but I think it's a really decent name that you can't go wrong with. Maybe a tiny bit dated but not overly so.
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I really like Valerie, Valorie, and Vallory. I'm not sure which spelling is best. As a virtue, valor is epic and knightly, so I imagine a woman with personal moral courage bearing this name. It is a tad dated, but I think it could easily comeback. Valerie Serena
Valerie Mavis
Valerie Estelle
Valerie Alexandra
Valerie Eleanor
Valerie Artemis
Valerie Boudicca
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It's our daughter's name. You do the math. :)
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I bet she wears it well
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