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I find this name really beautiful, and it's uncommon.What do you think of this name? Should it make a comeback? What middle name would you choose? Do you like the nickname Lori?Some middle names I like:Lorna Elizabeth
Lorna Marie
Lorna Violet
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Love the name. It's shirt enough I wouldn't use a nickname for it. Because of the length of the name and that it ends in "a" it flows well with just about any middle name except names that end in "a", too.
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I actually always really liked it. I think it's pretty.
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to add:no, Lori is dated and boring.Lorna needs an exciting middle name. Lorna Violet is nice but Lorna Elizabeth is bland.
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Love itIt's been a background favourite for a long time, and I really should put it back on my list properly.Lorna Violet is lovely, and Lorna Elizabeth flows beautifully.Lorna Meredith
Lorna Joy
Lorna Catherine
Lorna Celeste
Lorna Faith
Lorna Margaret
Lorna MillicentOr as a middle name...Iris Lorna
Ivy Lorna
Mildred Lorna
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I could see Lorna making a comeback. To me, it's just okay. I do really like Lori though.
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I like itI wouldn't use a nickname, though.
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I love Lorna. I don't like Lori, it's dated and lately I've seen people talking about a misogynistic internet person called Lori. Ditto Lorna Violet! And Lorna Elizabeth is good too. Nope on Marie, it's too fillery and has the opposite effect as Lorna. Lorna Jade
Lorna Viola
Lorna Gwyneira
Lorna Olympia
Lorna Sapphira
Lorna Emerald
Lorna Olwen
Lorna Opal
Lorna Silvara
Lorna Victoria
Lorna Siobhan
Lorna Charlotte
Lorna Ourania
Lorna Cassandra
Lorna Cassiopeia
Lorna Helene
Lorna Hermione
Lorna Sylvaine
Lorna Ambrosia
Lorna Wisteria
Lorna Aldana
Lorna Isobel
Lorna Calixta
Lorna Calandra

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This message was edited 10/20/2020, 2:28 PM

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Lorna feels like a singer's name.
I like Leonora better, but I can see Lorna making a comeback.
I don't like the nn LoriLorna Dawn
Lorna Corinne
Lorna Devon
Lorna Irene
Lorna Eve
Lorna Faye
Lorna Fleur

This message was edited 10/20/2020, 6:54 PM

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Lorna is beautiful. It gives of romantic Scottish heroine vibes due to Lorna Doone.I like all three of your middle name pairings but especially Marie and Elizabeth.
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I was at school with a Lorna who was never called by any nickname or short form. I quite like the name and would be happy enough to see lots of young ones, but I love Laura so much that I'd never consider a name that was close to it. No Lorna therefore, and no Lorraine either.Lorna Amy
Lorna Bryony
Lorna Clare
Lorna Diane
Lorna Elize
Lorna Frances
Lorna Gladys
Lorna Hildegard
Lorna Ishbel
Lorna Joliette
Lorna Kathleen
Lorna Lindsey
Lorna Maryth
Lorna Nerine
Lorna Olwen
Lorna Penelope
Lorna Quintillian
Lorna Rachael
Lorna Suzanne
Lorna Tansy
Lorna Unity
Lorna Vivien
Lorna Wendy
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I lowkey love it. It gives me the same vintage vibe as Norma.Lori... I like but I don’t associate it with Lorna. I like all your middle name options. I also like Lorna Rose/Rosalie/Rosamund
Lorna Ottilia
Lorna Isabelle
Lorna Beatrice
Lorna Kate.
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I'm not a big fan of Lorna, but Lorna Marie does sound good. :)
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