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Sovereign for a girl?
The singer Usher named his newborn daughter Sovereign.What do you think of this name? Nicknames could be Sovi, Reign.
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I don’t like it at all.
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That's... bad.
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It's not my thing, but it's cultural. I understand the reasoning for names like Sir, Sovereign, etc.
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Tacky and pretentious, and honestly no better than Reign.
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I like it. I don't think it's pretentious the way Reign seems, and the sound's soft, so it mainly gives me an impression of quiet strength.

This message was edited 10/2/2020, 2:08 AM

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Over-ambitious to say the least. Amusingly, before the days of pound coins etc, a sovereign used to be just that - a coin valued at one pound. Nowadays it's made of gold and used for jewellery ... but no doubt he wouldn't have named the little girl Dollar or Deutschmark!
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It's lame and desperately pretentious.
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Hm. Interesting!
I think it's in the same vein as, but better than, Royal and Reign. I kinda like it. I even like the sound of the word as a name. I think I wouldn't mind if it became trendy. Maybe some Myrtles are confused and think Sovereign refers to "sovereignty" or having control over others.
But I think it's unlikely that's what Usher had in mind. He presumably knows better.
Merriam-webster dot com say:
QuoteChoose the right synonym for SOVEREIGN -
FREE, INDEPENDENT, SOVEREIGN, AUTONOMOUS mean not subject to the rule or control of another.
FREE stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions. "you're free to do as you like"
INDEPENDENT implies a standing alone; applied to a state it implies lack of connection with any other having power to interfere with its citizens, laws, or policies. "the colony's struggle to become independent"
SOVEREIGN stresses the absence of a superior power and implies supremacy within a thing's own domain or sphere. "separate and sovereign armed services"
AUTONOMOUS stresses independence in matters pertaining to self-government. "in this denomination each congregation is regarded as autonomous"
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I agree...Sovereign is actually on my PNL as a GP. I much prefer it over Reign (although I don’t mind Reina). Reign and Sovereign have different vibe and connotations as the quote above states. I think it’s a great choice.
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Dreadful and just as bad for a boy.
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I like the sound of sovereign but not the spelling. Don't like Reign, do like Sovi. I don't like Usher, period.
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As soon as I saw that, I thought it was bad, but not surprising for a celebrity.
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Awful!Why would you want a child to be associated with sovereignty? Eat the rich!!!
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Because they have some appreciation for nuance? It's not that different from Temperance, really (self-governed, self-restraint)...except it is, in interesting ways.
It implies personal power the way Victor / Victoria or something like Queen might, but it's not even necessarily competitive/superior the way those can come across.

This message was edited 10/2/2020, 2:32 AM

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Nah, "Sovereign" is way more supercilious than Victor / Victoria.ETA: I immediately think of a monarch, and now's not the best time geopolitically to be exalting sovereign rulers...

This message was edited 10/2/2020, 9:38 AM

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Not saying you're wrong, but I actually forgot the meaning of the word as I'm so used to it being used in relation to money. I immediately put it in the same bag as "Tuppence" being used as a name. (because apparently Tuppence was used as a name recently)I had inherited my great-great grandfather's collection of old and foreign coins as a child and I've had an interest in old money ever since.While I can't think past the gold coin, I do agree it's leaps and bounds above Victoria / Victor
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Sure, I understood you thought so. I felt like answering your question, though....also, I'm a Victoria, and I've always felt the name's a bit haughty.
But I do think Victory is probably more ambiguous than Queen (victory over what? queen of what?).

This message was edited 10/2/2020, 10:57 AM

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Quest / Temperance please choose a username and stick to it.
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