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Janka and Jutta
Do you like either of these names? How come?
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Jutta reminds me of the German language lessons I had in seventh grade. It was the name of the character in the exercises. So it seems very retro and very German to me, that's about it. It's fine ... not my thing. I'm not liking it more now that I know it's a Judith, either. I've never seen Janka. It's cute I guess! The yank/yonk sound isn't very appealing to me as a speaker of only English, though.

This message was edited 8/18/2020, 1:12 AM

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My first language is Polish and in Polish I like Janka as a nn, it's old-fashioned but youthful, a bit tomboyish, I picture a high-spirited little girl.
German names often sound unintuitive to me but Jutta is okay, it sounds more serious to me.Both of them must be pronounced with a y sound though, they sound horrible with a /dʒ/.
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Don’t like them at all. They sound like the names of your two very ugly twin cousins.
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No, I don't like them at all. To an English speaker, any pronunciation is unattractive.
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