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I've been thinking a lot lately about Lidia, the "continental" variant of Lydia (I know that designation isn't totally apt, but that's how I differentiate the two in my mind). I'm charmed by its streamlined elegance. Does anyone else prefer Lidia to Lydia?Of course, a medley of combos:Lidia Avdotya
Lidia Azucena
Lidia Benedetta
Lidia Benigna
Lidia Betsabea
Lidia Bogdana
Lidia Bronimira
Lidia Brunella
Lidia Brunilda
Lidia Casimira
Lidia Celestina
Lidia Cosmina
Lidia Eleonora
Lidia Elvira
Lidia Fiammetta
Lidia Fortunata
Lidia Frederica
Lidia Gelsomina
Lidia Giacinta
Lidia Ginevra
Lidia Giovanna
Lidia Giuditta
Lidia Griselda
Lidia Lucretia
Lidia Ludmila
Lidia Maristella
Lidia Maurizia
Lidia Melisande
Lidia Merofleda
Lidia Mimosa
Lidia Nevena
Lidia Nicolina
Lidia Pastora
Lidia Polissena
Lidia Primavera
Lidia Proserpina
Lidia Prunella
Lidia Radmila
Lidia Raffaella
Lidia Richenza
Lidia Rosalba
Lidia Rosalina
Lidia Rosaura
Lidia Roxana
Lidia Rubina
Lidia Rufina
Lidia Ruslana
Lidia Sophonisba
Lidia Svetlana
Lidia Tiziana
Lidia Ulrika
Lidia Verena
Lidia Vivina
Lidia Zuleika

This message was edited 8/6/2020, 8:51 AM

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I love it. The only think about Lidia is that it looks a little short to me. Lydia is definitely a full name, but Lidia looks like it could be short for Alidia or Elidia or something like that. Lydia is fairly narrow, it's mature/badass feminine. Lidia can do that but it can also be a little more delicate because of the i, so it fits with tougher names like Bronimira and Eleonora and also frillier names like Celestina.
I like:
Lidia Avdotya
Lidia Azucena *
Lidia Bronimira
Lidia Casimira *
Lidia Celestina
Lidia Cosmina *
Lidia Eleonora *
Lidia Elvira
Lidia Fiammetta
Lidia Fortunata
Lidia Frederica - or Federica
Lidia Ginevra
Lidia Giovanna
Lidia Lucretia -- Whenever you post these lists I immediately delete all the repeating-initial combos, but I'm willing to let the double L slide for this one!
Lidia Maristella
Lidia Maurizia
Lidia Melisande *
Lidia Merofleda *
Lidia Nevena
Lidia Polissena
Lidia Proserpina **** this one is great. I also think that the shift from Lydia to Lidia is similar to the shift from Persephone to Propserpina. They shift in opposite directions and meet in the middle. Like, if left is harder and right is sweeter, it goes like: Lydia --> Lidia Proserpina
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Board ate half my reply, let's try the rest separately...(maybe I killed it with the arrows somehow?)
Lydia [arrow to the right] Lidia Proserpina [arrow to the left] Persephone Lidia Rosalba ***
Lidia Rosalina *
Lidia Rosaura
Lidia Sophonisba *
Lidia Verena
Lidia Vivina
Lidia Zuleika
And then I had some combos which I'll try to remember:Lidia Vincenza
Lidia Zenobia
Lidia Titania
Lidia Victoria
Lidia Halcyone
Lidia Ofelia
Lidia Desdemona
Lidia Galadriel
Lidia Octavia
Lidia Andromeda
Lidia Andromache
Lidia Undine
Lidia Dianora
Lidia Fyodora
Lidia Andraste
Lidia Ariadne
Lidia Polyxena
Lidia Xanthippe
Lidia Ourania
Lidia Esmeralda
Lidia Zoraida
Lidia Ursuline
Lidia Miranda
Lidia Mirandola
Lidia Valencia

This message was edited 8/7/2020, 5:57 PM

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I dislike it quite a bit actually only for visual reasona. It looks unbalanced. I like having a -yd- so there's a below the letter and a tall letter side by side. Lidia looks more nicknamey to me.Lidia Zuleika is amazing though.
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It's been my recent favorite. I can't believe my husband doesn't like it. I like the 2 syllable pronunciation and he thinks it would be a constant battle (I know... it would be). So, I was semi reconciled to the 3 syllable pronunciation. But then I had this flash of recall of Pride and Prejudice and just hated the character Lydia, so I think it is officially out of the running.
Perfect name for me though, short, classic and beautiful.Eta: and I much prefer the spelling Lidia. Don't like Lydia at all.

This message was edited 8/6/2020, 11:05 PM

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Lidia is fine, but I very much prefer Lydia. Lydia Eleonora and Lydia Rosalba would be my favorites.
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Lydia Eleonora is gorgeous.

This message was edited 8/7/2020, 7:02 AM

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I prefer Lydia, lovely name
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I strongly prefer Lidia to Lydia. It looks so much nicer.I love your Lidia Avdotya, Lidia Azucena, and Lidia Ulrika.
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I think it looks misspelled. Sorry. Lydia, however (which I, as a Dane, pronounce differently than I would Lidia), I really like.

This message was edited 8/6/2020, 10:02 AM

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I much prefer Lidia to Lydia, I just think Lydia looks so ancient (which some people like about it, just not me). It’s one of my favorite names, it’d definitely be on my short list if I were having a baby girl anytime soon.Lidia Azucena and Lidia Ginevra are really pretty. I’d probably personally opt for a middle name that didn’t end in -a, since it makes it sound very princessy to me (which again, just isn’t my style).
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I hate the name Lydia. It's too harsh and unfulfilling but Lidia looks like a gentle alternative to it. Middle names that end in a vowel look and sound best with Lidia I think.
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