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What do you think of Dru as a first name for a girl? I saw it once a long time ago in a magazine and it has always stayed in the back of my mind.
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Only as a nn for Drusilla.
AndrewAhh, nature . . .

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Love it as a nn for Drusilla
Our second wedding anniversaryDaisypath Ticker
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Drusilla nn Dru is ok, but not by itself. Dru looks trashy.~~* BEX *~~Surfing is my religion!Image hosting by Photobucket
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I also only like Dru as a nn for DrusillaDrusilla is a name with history, while Dru looks like a trendy spelling of a trendy boyish name for a girl (Drew)."But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, GardenParty"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
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It does nothing for me. Not even if it's spelled Drew.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
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I actually really like it, I also like the spelling Drew. I think it makes a really cool mn, also. I would probably use it in the future myself... :)
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I find it really unattractive. It's also difficult for me to say--I have trouble with the "dr" sound. Perhaps as a nickname, it would be better, but even them, I'd be underwhelmed.Array

On the end of the world: There will be snacks.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Dru is okay, it reminds me of fields and plains....I don't quite know why...but it also reminds me of Drew Barrymore. I think the name is sort of boyish but it is good on a girl too. I prefer the spellings of Drew or Drue .... Dru is very short for a full first name....maybe for a nickname (I really shouldn't say much since my nickname is Kay...but my full first name is Kaylen.) But it is very pretty.
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It's nmsAA! Drew would be slightly more acceptable, but this is "no way" for me. The "u" makes it even less appealing, imo, and the sound seems off.
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Drew and Dru are too boyish for a girl imo. Some people use Dru as a nickname for Drusilla but Drusilla has always been nmsaa. I knew a girl named Samantha Dru. She was going to be named Samantha Drusilla but she ended up with Dru as a middle name instead.

This message was edited 5/5/2006, 7:30 PM

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I can tolerate Dru on a guy, but I do not like it for a girl. Where's the Kaboom? There's suppose to be an Earth shattering kaboom!" -Marvin the Martian.
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