I talked to someone named Richarda. I was surprised to see it's user submitted here. I thought it was an established name.
I am pretty sure she pronounced it Re-CARD-a when she spoke to me, but I've always thought of it as being pronounced Ri-CHARD-a. I have to admit that IMO the Re-CARD-a pronunciation is nicer.
WDYTO Richarda and what would be your first instinct of its pronunciation?
I am pretty sure she pronounced it Re-CARD-a when she spoke to me, but I've always thought of it as being pronounced Ri-CHARD-a. I have to admit that IMO the Re-CARD-a pronunciation is nicer.
WDYTO Richarda and what would be your first instinct of its pronunciation?
Agree, my first thought here is Re-SHAR-da, but then next step I had to think of a former neighbour of mine, she's Riccarda or Rikkarda (like Rebecca or Rebekka, don't know exactly)-
so it's Re-CARD-a and I must say, I like it;
way fresher than Rebecca and not so over-used.
Whereas others than Alfreda, Manfreda or Norberta etc. aren't my cup of tea.
so it's Re-CARD-a and I must say, I like it;
way fresher than Rebecca and not so over-used.
Whereas others than Alfreda, Manfreda or Norberta etc. aren't my cup of tea.
I agree Ricarda would be nicer, Richarda sounds odd. Richardine could work as a female version of Richard.
It looks awful IMO and RiCHarda sounds awkward but RiKarda isn't too bad though I'd never use it. I do like Richard, though, and regret that it doesn't work with our ln.
Re-carda, I don't really like it, Ricarda, Rikarda would be a nicer spelling
My brain formed "Re-SHARD-da" a soft ch rather than a hard one. Ri-CARD-a might be better. I don't know how I feel about it. It's one of those that doesn't quite feel like it's own name. Just like adding an a to Richard as an after thought.