Re: Ashley
in reply to a message by Perrine
I get really, irrationally angry when people want to use my name for a boy.
(Yes, irrationally)
I know people USED to use it for a boy. It’s not a boys name any more.
I also get irrationally irritated when people talk about how horrible it is and how ugly and etc. (I know, we don’t always like the same names and I feel the same way about other names.)
But that’s my two cents. :)
It’s not the most beautiful name I’ve ever heard, but it’s not that bad. I’d much rather be an Ashley than a lot of other names, including some of the “vintage “ beauties out there.
(Yes, irrationally)
I know people USED to use it for a boy. It’s not a boys name any more.
I also get irrationally irritated when people talk about how horrible it is and how ugly and etc. (I know, we don’t always like the same names and I feel the same way about other names.)
But that’s my two cents. :)
It’s not the most beautiful name I’ve ever heard, but it’s not that bad. I’d much rather be an Ashley than a lot of other names, including some of the “vintage “ beauties out there.
I've known a handful of male Ashleys, so I don't think you can say it USED to be a boys name. Because of its popularity for girls, I think it's safe to say that most people consider it a girls name, but that doesn't mean one could not use it for a boy of that someone should not like it on a boy.
I certainly don't think Ashley is a horrible or ugly name. I think some people who are into names automatically scoff at names that are/were wildly popular, so on this site some of it may come from that. Some people may truly think it's ugly though; I'm pretty sure there is someone out there who thinks every name is ugly. Tastes vary, but remember that someone saying your name is ugly is an opinion, not a fact.
I certainly don't think Ashley is a horrible or ugly name. I think some people who are into names automatically scoff at names that are/were wildly popular, so on this site some of it may come from that. Some people may truly think it's ugly though; I'm pretty sure there is someone out there who thinks every name is ugly. Tastes vary, but remember that someone saying your name is ugly is an opinion, not a fact.
Oh that's funny, bless your heart! What an unfortunate pair of triggers. It's a unisex name, and it was also really popular for a long time, so it's the type of trigger that's bound to be tripped a lot.
My name has been called childish, gross, hideous, and hated on here. And then I see the fawning over some names that are hard to believe are liked so much. So there’s that.
Your name is Ashley? Well, my son's partner who is the mother of my granddaughters is named Ashley and she's a lovely person.
Yeah, I get pissed when I see my name ragged on too. As much as I try not to, because I rag on names. I think it's just human nature. AND I know how you feel about some people here liking some vintage monstrosities and then you have to see them hate on your name.
Yeah, I get pissed when I see my name ragged on too. As much as I try not to, because I rag on names. I think it's just human nature. AND I know how you feel about some people here liking some vintage monstrosities and then you have to see them hate on your name.
Haha, yeah, even though I know it’s completely irrational and stupid, it does make me irritated.
I can’t stand it when people rag on my kids names either.
“Ugliest name ever” or “it’s the grossest name, my most hated name!” But you like Lester? Lester the Molester. Now that’s gross.
But, oh well. That’s what the board is for! Ha!
I can’t stand it when people rag on my kids names either.
“Ugliest name ever” or “it’s the grossest name, my most hated name!” But you like Lester? Lester the Molester. Now that’s gross.
But, oh well. That’s what the board is for! Ha!