What do you think of the nickname Annie?
Is it too old fashioned nowadays?

Is it too old fashioned nowadays?

I think it's fine
Maybe I should like it because I love this song:
On the other hand, it's not like it's a flattering portrayal.
My MIL's name is Anny. In her native Belgium, it's pronounced with the first syllable to rhyme with John. Americans, however, pronounce it like we do Annie and my MIL hates it. A couple of times she's even said she's changing her name. Never did, though. And although I don't approve of name changes, and wouldn't have if she'd done it, I could see why she wanted to.
So no I don't like Annie, and yes, it's too old fashioned.
On the other hand, it's not like it's a flattering portrayal.
My MIL's name is Anny. In her native Belgium, it's pronounced with the first syllable to rhyme with John. Americans, however, pronounce it like we do Annie and my MIL hates it. A couple of times she's even said she's changing her name. Never did, though. And although I don't approve of name changes, and wouldn't have if she'd done it, I could see why she wanted to.
So no I don't like Annie, and yes, it's too old fashioned.
This message was edited 5/30/2020, 3:45 PM
I don’t think it’s old-fashioned, even if Anne might be. And even then, it can be a nickname for any “An-” name.
Love! Annie is a name I’ve loved for years, yet I’m not fond of the name Anne at all, even though I have a lovely SIL who goes by that name. Her full name is Annabel/Annabelle, not sure which spelling actually, because she always goes by Anne. Anyway, I digress, Annie is adorable and friendly, yet kind of spunky too. It works for a baby and an adult easily imo. I don’t think it’s too old fashioned, but I love a lot of older names. I would just use Annie as a full name tbh, because I think it can stand on it’s own just fine.
It’s really cute. Definitely not too old fashioned. It’s close to the top 100 where I live. It’s one of the few nickname-names that I think can stand on its own, but I do prefer it short for something else.
I like it, it’s very cute but I think it works for all ages.
I don't think it's old-fashioned exactly, but Anne isn't used much at all, any more, and people don't seem to use Annie as a nn for Anna. So, yes you don't hear it but no, not because it's old-fashioned but because its formal form is.
If my fn had been Anne, instead of my mn, I hope I wouldn't have become Annie. Not because of old-fashionedness, once again, but because it seems permanently juvenile.
If my fn had been Anne, instead of my mn, I hope I wouldn't have become Annie. Not because of old-fashionedness, once again, but because it seems permanently juvenile.
This message was edited 5/30/2020, 12:40 PM
I don't think it's too old fashioned. I can imagine it on any age.
It's very cute. I wouldn't use it as a full name, but I like it as a nickname.
It's very cute. I wouldn't use it as a full name, but I like it as a nickname.
I’ve always loved it. I think it sounds so sweet and kind.
It's been my absolute favorite since I was a little girl. If I have a daughter, there's no doubt in my mind that she'll be Annie. But I prefer Annie as a nickname, not on its own. I'd probably use it as a nn for Susannah, Anna, or Annabel.
I don't think it's too old fashioned at all. I think it's the single most adorable name in the world.
I don't think it's too old fashioned at all. I think it's the single most adorable name in the world.