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Re: Tattoo (Daughter)
in reply to a message by Belph
More obvious ones...1. Kitty: A black cat (which is actually a tattoo I want) or Fae/Faye, which is pretty self explanatory, maybe just the wings.
2. Marigold: I’d just get a marigold flower. For my favourites... Pandora- Depending how much I use the nn, I’d maybe get panda, or something gift related, because of the meaning.
Artemis- I’d get an arrow with a rainbow/watercolour background or something moon related.
Evanthe- Probably just a flower I like (means ‘good flower’). My favourite flowers are forget-me-nots, but I’d probably have that by the time I have kids, so maybe another one (I’ve considered an African violet). Or something nice looking with medicinal properties.
Caspian is the only boys name I have ideas for, either something water/sea related or with a book/literary connection.
Dreaming of...
Pandora Beatrix Fae ✦ Caspian Sherlock Walter ✦ Artemis Valkyrie Clio ✦ Ptolemy Lysander George
Horatio ✦ Nikolai ✦ Prosper ✦ Ephraim ✦ Cedrick ✦ Ambrose
Evanthe ✦ Zenobia ✦ Morgana ✦ Marigold ✦ Lavender ✦ Ziva ✦ Guinevere
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If you're a Narnia fan you could use the Dawn Treader or something for Caspian
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Ooh, I like that!
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