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Re: Tattoo (Daughter)
in reply to a message by Belph
Fun. Iris would be my choice for a common name. There's the choice of eyes, the flower, and rainbows, which are three of my favorite images. I think I might go for an eye. It would depend on her personality.Altalune is my choice for a less common name. It means high moon and I think I would use an image similar to the ones depicted on traditional tarot cards, which usually present the moon at a high distance, with some howling wolves, scuttling crabs, and heaving tides below.For boys, HM! Maybe Wolfgang. That's a "weird" one I guess. A wolf, on his way somewhere, would be the tattoo...
A common name, HMMM!!!! Maybe like Thomas? I could represent it with a pair of twins.
edit: Oh Robin for a boy is such a nice name I would do that one.

This message was edited 4/26/2020, 10:55 AM

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