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Re: Tattoo (Daughter)
in reply to a message by Belph
For a more common name, I would choose something like Daisy, which I'm very fond of but likely wouldn't actually use because of its popularity. The tattoo would look something like this:This would also work for Marguerite, which I like! For more uncommon options, I would go for either Wren or Juniper. Wren: Juniper: And for something a bit more creative, I would do Artemis, and a moon tattoo, since she was goddess of the moon.
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I forgot about Artemis! That's on my list of middle names I'd use. I'd probably do a full moon with realistic crater placement and some Artemisia leaves for that one (and maybe a bow and/or arrows?).
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Also, boysFor Arthur, a crown, although I couldn't really find one I liked that wasn't on a person's body (which feels weird to share on here). A (European) robin for Robin: And a horse tattoo, for Rohan: Or you could do some rowan berries for Rowan!
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