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Re: Tattoo (Daughter)
in reply to a message by Belph
I'd have tattooed the Roman Goddess of Victory, for Victoria.I can't come up with anything original, but for less common, I'd tattoo the Liberty Bell for Liberty. I like Liberty and given enough daughters I'd consider using it. I'm not one of those who think that Liberty is strictly a right-wing ideal.

This message was edited 4/26/2020, 7:35 AM

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Liberty is pretty much the opposite of a right-wing ideal. Now I'm also thinking about how to tattoo virtuey names that I wouldn't use like Justice (scales), Hope (maybe a bird to reference "hope is the thing with feathers"?), Verity (?), Honor (? although I might use something like Honora), etc. Maybe a pile of books for Sophia (although that's more like "knowledge" than "wisdom", idk)
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