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WDYT? I prefer it as a boy's name, but for the longest I thought it was feminine because of the Elli at the beginning.
I like Elliott Gray, Sawyer Elliott, Henry Elliott
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I like it. It's a nice name. I definitely view it more as a softer, more gentler boy's name, but an endearing classic all the same. I also can't help but to picture it on someone that has a very open, inviting personality. Someone who has a good sense of humor and acts mainly peculiar, which is why I named one of my characters it. (Only I used the spelling of 'Elliot' as I personally prefer it more) For the most part, he's the comic relief in the storyline (The lovable goofball) and I think that his name fits him to an absolute T! (:From yours, I like Elliott Gray.
Another combination that I like that I personally think sounds nice is Dean Elliott/Elliot
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I just don't get it. I dislike the look, I dislike the sound and most Elliotts I've known have been bratty. So I dislike it in general but I especially hate it on a girl.
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I enjoy Elliott, but not as much as a first name. It's one of my go-to middles: Malcolm Elliott, Finn Elliott, Donovan Elliott, Jonathan Elliott... it goes with most of my favorites!
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I know that Elliott is unisex - all the ones I've known have been male. But I much prefer it as a feminine name. It's gorgeous with most middle names. My top five right now: Elliott Roharia, Elliott Martha, Elliott Noemie, Elliott Geraldine, Elliott Elizabeth (yes it even sounds good with this one, which I normally hate).
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I love Elliot, with this spelling. I loved it for years, so I gave this name to my bunny back in 2011 with Elli as a nickname. I considered using it for my son while I was pregnant, but thought it would be too weird with both a bunny and a baby named Elliot. Elliot is back on my list now when my bunny sadly isn't around any longer. I like the sound of Elliot Gray. It's handsome.
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I like it, Elliott Gray and Henry Elliott are nice. I dont like Sawyer
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This is my favourite name for a boy.
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Sounds very nerdy to me, along with Simon and Oliver. I could picture a high school group of geeks with those names. Elliott Gray sounds nice, though, but I would never really use it. And this name is purely masculine to me.
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