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Re: Emerson
in reply to a message by Lapin
I like it for a boy. I met a little boy with the name, several years ago, and always like it.
Then I met a newborn baby girl named Emerson, and it aggravated me, because I liked it so much for a boy! Silly,I know.Anyways, I like it for a boy, hate it for a girl, and like the nn Emery.I like short middles with it.Emerson Allen
Emerson Blake
Emerson Bryce
Emerson Cade
Emerson Carter
Emerson Dean
Emerson Finley
Emerson Finn
Emerson Gage
Emerson Gray
Emerson Hoyt
Emerson Jace
Emerson James
Emerson Kai
Emerson Lincoln
Emerson Mark
Emerson Oliver
Emerson Quinn
Emerson Ray
Emerson Tate
Emerson Vance
Emerson Wade
Emerson Zane
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