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As I mentioned below, I'm loving Parthenope, these days. Don't worry, this is not going to be used on a real baby, ever. I just dig the name.So, what do you think of it? One commenter wrote, "I love Parthenope's nostalgic, willowy, aromatic beauty", which is probably my favorite. What would you nickname a Parthenope? Which middle name, or names, would you pair it with? If you hate it, how much do you hate it, and do you wish you could kill it with fire?Thanks. Have a fantastic day. :) **Starfish and coffee, maple syrup and jam/Butterscotch clouds, a tangerine, and a side order of ham**
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I think it's very pretty and I do agree it sounds nostalgic and wistful. Maybe in a few years it could join the popular Penelope? The only nicknames I can think of are Thennie or Thenny (both rhyme with Jenny) and Poppy, though that one's a stretch.
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Parthenope has caught my eye for a while, too. It’s exotic in an elegant way and definitely has an aromatic sense of beauty. It’s always reminded me of panthers, for some reason, and has a somewhat melancholy sense of mysteriousness that I really like. I really like Persephone, too. There’s a lot of potential for nicknames, too. Par, Parthie, Theni, Thenop, etc. Some combos that I like are Parthenope Lorraine and Parthenope Ursa.
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I like it, had it on my list once upon a time. Far more appealing than Penelope imo. There is definitely something ethereal about her. I like the idea of Parthenope Luna or Parthenope Arwen.
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Nn Parthy; mn Joan; Don't hate it, but approach it with caution - it would indeed be fine on a willowy beauty, but on a plump, dumpy typist whose sole topic of conversation is what the characters in her favourite soapy said and did last night, it would be a disaster.
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I don't love it and I don't hate it, but I think it's interesting. It would be cool to meet someone named Parthenope.
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I think it's pretty fun and it foes have a nice sound! I like it better than Penelope. Wouldn't give it to a child either, but I'd love it on a fictional character. To me the most natural nickname would be Thena.
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I love the sound. I think willowy is a perfect description. I kind of hate the visual of "nope" at the end.It makes me want a long I after it.Parthenope Moriah
Parthenope Eliza
Parthenope Iris
Parthenope IslaI would probably shorten it to "Par" sometimes, but mostly use the full name. Maybe Thena could be a good nickname, but it doesn't seem natural.
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I think it's ugly. It has a bunch of ugly sounds in it, and it's a fat, crunchy, pretentious mouthful that sounds like a disease of the kidneys.
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