Do you prefer Marina or the French version Marine?
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Marina's much better than Harbor or Bay or Parker would be, but it still makes me think of boats and the park.
Also, in the back of my head, I want to say Marinka instead of Marina for no explicable reason.Marine's briny.They seem equally wordy to me. I'd go with Marine, because it makes me think of life science and days at the beach more than it does inanimate objects.
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I like it, but don’t love it. It’s a pretty name, and it has a strong quality to it. I also like the water connotations. I much prefer Marina to Marine.
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I adore Marina and can't believe it was never on my radar when naming my three daughters. I definitely prefer Marina to Marine which in my country would seem a bit strange. OTOH, my dh WAS a Marine and doesn't care for either name!
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I like Marine but I love Marina so much I would probably use it. I’ve never met a Marina but it makes me think of a glamorous fashion icon for some reason.
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I like Marina a lot; no doubt Marine is fine in French. A school friend.s younger sister is Marina: she was golden-blonde with huge blue eyes and looked as if, in the 1950s, she could have been the advertising face of just about anything, but probably cigarettes or fizzy drinks or something that needed glamour to enhance it. Nice kid.I'd never use it, though, because I like Marinus much more and would use it for a boy without hesitation.

This message was edited 2/24/2020, 11:19 PM

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I don’t care for it much at all, but I prefer Marina.
A Marine is an honorable profession, but a terrible name for someone.
All I can think of when I hear it is the boat marina, partially because my parents had boats growing up and we were in the marina quite often on weekends... so it’s not namey at all to me.I did go to school with a very sweet Asian girl named Marina, but she had a quite a strong accent, so I always heard it a bit differently than Muh-ree-nuh, she said it somewhat like Mair-ee-neh, so I don’t quite associate it as much with the actual name Marina, because she was the only person I’ve ever met with the name.
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Speaking of associations, Marina always makes me think of a scared bewildered Russian, married to an assassin, because of Marina Oswald lol. It's true. I've never personally known anyone named Marina, or ever heard of any, so she's what I think of.
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I'm one of those who can only think of where you park your boat. Not a fan.
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I like Marina, it's a favorite.
Sometimes I wonder if it's out of style though. Seems to have been popular alongside Marissa, in the 90s.
As a first name, I like it better than Marine, but I like Marine "as a French name" if that makes sense.
And I like Marine as a middle name in combos that just sound better that way. One of my fave combos rn is Rose Marine.
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I love Marina! One of my favorites. I don’t really think Marine works in the English speaking world.
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I love Marina. It's a favourite of mine. �
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Marina is beautiful. Not as beautiful as Maria, but still a great name. I don't like Marine; in English it would be like naming somebody Soldier or Pilot.
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Both just remind me of the place where you park your boat. I dislike both.
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Sorry don't like either, but Marina is better than Marine.
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