What are your feelings on this in general? For a mn only?

I LOVE THIS NAME!! As a first name or middle name. =D
I love it. I would happily use it as a FN as well as a MN.
- Maria
I think it's wonderful as a middle name (it sounds imposing as a fn, IMO). It's unique, classic, and easy to say and spell.
"Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge." --William Shakespeare
I think its bold for someone else, but it has no appeal for me, personally. I don't know why, it just doesn't. I like it slightly better for a middle name, but it is fine in both places.

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I don't care for it. Too me it sounds a bit too much like the name of a romance novel mimbo.
I also tend to associate it with the faux-rich names that try so hard to be classy, they sound cheap -- Crystal, Diamond, Tiara...
Maybe if I'd met a real normal person with the name I'd feel different though. But for now, I prefer Sterling to be the name of silver.
I also tend to associate it with the faux-rich names that try so hard to be classy, they sound cheap -- Crystal, Diamond, Tiara...
Maybe if I'd met a real normal person with the name I'd feel different though. But for now, I prefer Sterling to be the name of silver.
I like it. I know one guy that has this as a first name. He carries it well. It's a bit of a rich kids name imo, not that that is a bad thing. And also very British sounding, not that that is a bad thing either. As a mn I think it would enrich a combo nicely.
I like it all right. It's not one of my favorites, but it has a very nice meaning. Personally, I'd only use it as a mn, but I think it works well as a fn.
I will dub my first child Alexander. If you want to know what will occur if my first child is a girl, I will tell you. He will not be a girl.
-Everything is Illuminated
I will dub my first child Alexander. If you want to know what will occur if my first child is a girl, I will tell you. He will not be a girl.
-Everything is Illuminated
My friend has a really sweet springer spaniel named Sterling. :)
It has a nice sound, but the lack of nickname potential makes it a bad first name, in my opinion. As a middle name, though, it's a guilty pleasure.
Sometimes I just feel like smacking people with the dictionary, just to see if they absorb any intelligence through osmosis.
-My friend Emma
It has a nice sound, but the lack of nickname potential makes it a bad first name, in my opinion. As a middle name, though, it's a guilty pleasure.
Sometimes I just feel like smacking people with the dictionary, just to see if they absorb any intelligence through osmosis.
-My friend Emma
It's fine for someone else's kid, but I have really poor associations with the name--so I'm not all that fond of it.
I'd rather see Merit, really; same concept, much cheerier in my mind. :)
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
I'd rather see Merit, really; same concept, much cheerier in my mind. :)
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
I like it. It has the same appeal that the name Richard has to me--sexy, maybe a bit malicious, aloof, sort of scathingly brilliant. Think sexy villian, if you will. Granted that's not what everyone wants to see in a name but I think it's great.
Too bad its meaning is just kind of cute. That clashes with the idea that the name itself evokes for me. :-/
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
Too bad its meaning is just kind of cute. That clashes with the idea that the name itself evokes for me. :-/
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
I love it for a FN or a MN!
posted by mistake
This message was edited 4/28/2006, 10:10 AM