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Thoughts on Honor
What do you think of this name Honor for a baby girl? I love it... It's so sweet to me, and just a very unique and interesting name. I live in the US, but prefer the spelling Honour... Is that weird? I also like Honoura/Honora/Annora... So, what do you think of it, and what middle names/ sibling names would you pair with it?? Thanks guys!!
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I'm not fond of either Honor or Honour, both seem too wordy to me (though I love Constance, Clarity, Felicity, and Verity). I'd expect the other siblings to have virtue names as well, or uncommon biblical names. Annora is lovely.
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I like Honor in the middle name spot. Victoria Honor, Catherine Honor, Charlott Honor, Emmeline Honor.
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All I can think of is the time that I mentioned Honor as a name to my husband. I don't remember why I did and not sure why I would, since I've never really liked it and never would consider using it, but I did. And he rolled his eyes and said "Honor and off her." Nuff said.
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This is unfortunately exactly where my mind went as well. I think I heard somebody else make the same joke once (it might've been after Jessica Alba's first baby announcement - which would've made the statement especially crude), and it poisoned the idea of Honor as a name for me.
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sorry dont like it
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I love Honor and Honora - and prefer them without the u, it looks much cleaner. I'd use either one of them (except that I like a lot of names with an 'or' and wouldn't want to overload on the sound.)For MN maybe...Honor Sophia (this is my favorite both for the sound and the meaning - honor and wisdom!)Honora Beatrix
Honora Charlotte
Honora Margaret
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I don't react that well to it initially because my first thought is "honor what?" followed by "honor killings". Annora & Honora look less evocative.
My second thought is that honor is an empty value, which is weird because I don't actually believe that.
My third thought is that judges are called, "Your Honor", so I guess it passes the Judge test that some people use. ;)Honour looks nicer to me because I see Nour in it, but as an American, I'd think using it instead of Honor would be too much of a hassle.I'd like Honour / Honor most in a very intentional combo, like with the MN being the name of someone you want to honor or another word name that'd make sense with it.

This message was edited 1/14/2020, 1:21 PM

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Honoria is better IMO
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Honestly ... I think the virtue word is considered precious now. Few people would praise anyone's honor, or says they care about their honor, except as a joke, these days (not that I think that's a good thing, I just think it might come off as precious). And I don't think the word is pretty, either, not even with an -a on the end.Annora seems far more usable and appealing to me.
Annora Lily
Annora Diamanda
Annora VivianAnnora
FrancisHonor / Honour is hard to make combos for because they sound like commands but.
Honour Corinna
Honour Belinda
Honour Gwendolen
Honour and Therese, Florence, Rowena, Roger, Glenn, Percy
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Very pretty. I would avoid word names for other siblings though, to avoid cheesiness. Pretty much anything else that’s old-fashioned and not too popular would work.
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Honor is my guilty pleasure name because, it's a highly regarded meaning,and people might find it pretentious. However, I love the meaning and sound would seriously want to name my daughter Honor someday. I also like Honora, if you're not comfortable with Honor, since it is a noun/ verb.Here are my suggestions:
Honor Victoria
Honor/Honora Evangeline
Honor/Honora Gwendolyn
Honor/ Honora Genevieve
Honor/Honora Christine
Honor/ Honora Claire
Honor KaterinaAs for siblings:
Honor and Cecelia
Honor and Verity
Honor and Geneva
Honor and August
Honor and Truman
Honor and AudenBtw, Actress Jessica Alba oldest daughter's name is Honor Marie, Honor's siblings are sister Haven Garner, and brother Hayes Alba.
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I really like Honor / Honour for a girl. It is among my favorite virtue/ word names. Honora is cute, but Honoura seems unnecessarily drawn out.
Have you read the Beauty & the Beast retelling by Robin McKinley? In the book, Beauty's real name was Honour and her sisters were Grace and Hope. Personally, having that many virtues personified in a family would be a bit much, so I would choose less word like names for the siblings.Sibling sets:
Althea, James & Honour (g,b,g)
Honour, Florence & Rodrick (g,g,b)
Beatrix, Honour & Milo (g,g,b)
Emrys, Honour, & Alaric (b,g,b)If you did want all the siblings to have virtue names, then Vera, Constance, Felicity, Clement, and Sage
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So, the siblings don't have to have virtue names! Though I do love Charity, and Verity, and Blythe... I have not read that, but it very much interests me.. I'll have to look it up, and thank you for the recommendation!!
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