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Just got home from the gym, where I saw a female employee named Benjamina. It was too cool not to share.So, WDYT? Do you think Benny/Bennie could ever work for a girl's NN? Do you think Ginny could ever work, or is it too much of a stretch? Starfish and coffee, maple syrup and jam/Butterscotch clouds, a tangerine, and a side order of ham
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I like Benjamine better. Bennie / Benny could work (Bennie and the Jets?). I think Ginny could work too, it doesn't visually makes sense but I can hear where it comes from so it works for me.
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I don't even like Benjamin. Then again, I love Victoria and am so-so on Victor, so I guess that's not a good measure. In any case, I don't like Benjamina and I don't like Ben for a boy and so I really don't like Benny or Bennie for a girl. Benjamina, like Jamesina, seems a feminization that is too forced. I think Ginny is too much of a stretch.
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I think her parents really wanted a son. Bennie could work, though I don't like it at all, but Ginny is a stretch.
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It sounds somewhat nice but also really forced. As far as nicknames go, I do think Ginny would be a stretch. (Sorry and definitely NO to Benny/Bennie on a girl) I would suggest instead, Jamina/Mina.
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I like it.I went through a phase (last year? the year before? idk) in which I liked Benjamin for a girl, and someone here suggested Benjamine instead, which I do kind of like, but Benjamina looks like a more expected could also switch out Ben for Bet, I guess. Betjamine. Betjamina.I'm not a fan of Benny on either gender, but it could work.
Ginny would be a big stretch. Jem / Jemma / Jemina all seem less of one but still would be a stretch.
Ben, BJ, Mina, Amina, Jamin, Jamina seem most natural to me.

This message was edited 12/13/2019, 9:43 PM

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I like your NN ideas, better. Jem/Jemma, and Mina are lovely.
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I really like the nickname Benny on a girl but I don't know if I like the full name Benjamin enough I think maybe I'd go with Benji or Benil
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