WDYT of Mason?
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I don't get it.
I guess it just sounds like a name now. Generic boy name.
I guess it just sounds like a name now. Generic boy name.
This message was edited 12/2/2019, 2:26 PM
I'm meh about it. It's an updated version of Jason.
I can’t see past the profession.
not really fussed on it
I like it, but wouldn't use it. In part because its not up there, and in part because I have a close cousin called Mason
I don't like occupational names, and Mason is no exception.
Reminds me too much of the French word for house, maison which is feminine. I wonder if French people wonder why Americans are naming their son's house, as that spelling actually charted?
It isn't bad but it should have a break and I think if Kourtney Kardashian hadn't used it it would hardly be that popular. But better then some other Kardashian names.
It isn't bad but it should have a break and I think if Kourtney Kardashian hadn't used it it would hardly be that popular. But better then some other Kardashian names.
I like it. I’ve only ever met two, that I know of. One was a kid I went to school with, probably 20 years ago in middle school.
The other is a three year old son of a friend.
I think it’s nice and handsome... I can’t really find anything wrong with it despite everyone’s hate of “all things popular”
The other is a three year old son of a friend.
I think it’s nice and handsome... I can’t really find anything wrong with it despite everyone’s hate of “all things popular”
I'm one of the few here that like surnames as first names but I just can't get behind Mason. I've even known some very sweet little Masons but I just hate the way that it sounds so boring but yet is so common. That irks me.
I don't like occupation names; if necessary, they should have the correct spelling, which is a tick in the box for Mason. The only one I've ever known was Maeson, which I thought was very unfortunate.
I like it. The only thing I dislike is that I keep thinking "my son" or "ma' son"