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Wdyt of Aniela?
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I like the spelling more than the pronunciation. I think the sound is a bit dull, and it’s as if it’s missing an initial (Daniela).
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Hi !!!Aniela is ok. I rate it 5/10 because it is a bit boring, but it's ok. Nothing against it.I just think it sounds too similar to Agnès, Ines and Anya, all names that I like.
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It sounds a lot like Daniela with something missing.
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I like it. It looks a bit like the names Ani/Anie and Ariella combined, and I love how it's also a name in its own right.
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It's okay, but not my cup of tea. It sounds weak and childish to me.
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I prefer the look and sound of Anielka, but I wouldn't use either of them as I have no cultural connection. And I wouldn't use Angela, because it's too much to live up to.
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I don't like it.
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Lovely on its own. I think in the US, it would get confused for Amelia a lot. It would be very nice in Poland or in a story, though.
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It doesn't look/sound like Amelia at all to me. I'd be more likely to mishear it as Daniela.
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Love it, as far as Polish names go! Don't care for her English counterpart Angela, though.
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It's ok
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