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Annelies, Evelien & Fiene
While searching for specific names for a character (which is now resolved), I came across these. I'm just simply curious to know what you think of them. I think they're absolutely stunning! (:Annelies (ah-nə-LEES)
Evelien (ay-və-LEEN)
Fiene (FEE-nə)♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥★♥

This message was edited 10/22/2019, 4:32 PM

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It depends on your character´s characteristics. I´d go with Fiene for a more modern character. Evelien for a bit more of a timeless choice. Annelies would be my choice if the character was Flemish or of Flemish descent.
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I love Annelies and Evelien!
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I prefer Annalise and evalina
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All of those look like yooneek spellings to me. Not a fan. The spellings Annalise and Evaline are much prettier, in my opinion. Fiene/Fina would be a cute nickname for a Seraphina, but I don't think it stands well on its own.
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Annelies and Evelien are actually legit Dutch spellings...just sayin'.
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and Fiene as well :)
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Yes, which was my exact intention. The character is Dutch and so I wanted to incorporate that into her name so...hence the unusual names and spellings. (:
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