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Tallulah, Tamsin, Tracy
Which one, and why? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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Most definitely Tamsin, which is one of my favorite names. Tallulah is too OTT and Southern for me, and Tracy has always bugged me. I don't know why exactly, but it does.
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Tallulah. I've always liked this name, ever since I was a kid. I just like the sound and "gypsy girl" image I get from it.
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Tracy. It’s the most normal to me.
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Tamsin is an easy choice. It has never been popular in the USA but is easy to spell and pronounce. It is only two syllables, so it doesn't need a nickname. Tamsin has an old-fashioned feel and also reminds me of the fictional works of Peter S. Beagle.Tallulah is a bit ridiculous. It sounds like something a celebrity would use.Tracy is dated, one-time hit, and reminds me of Spencer Tracy, the old flame of Katherine Hepburn. If I had to use a flash-in-the-pan name from around that time, I would prefer Trudy.
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Tallulah -- It's funky and quirky and kicks ass, imo. I also like the potential nns. It's on my list of names for a future cat.
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Tallulah is beyond silly. Tamsin and Tracy are both dated, but at least Tamsin doesn't double as a ln. Tamsin, then, through clenched teeth.
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Tamsin hands down. I love it, though I fear nickname Tami / Tammy.Tallulah is also nice, but a bit too cutesy for me. Tracy is just a no.
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I am the same. I like Tamsin but not Tami/Tammy.Tallulah is just extra in my opinion and where I live it would get a "she named her kid Tallulah!" I would have to use a nickname.Tracy was so overused in the 70's and 80's around her. I don't know one that is younger than mid thirties.
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Tallulah. It sounds very musical.
Tamsin rhymes with damson, a type of tart English fruit.
Tracy - tracing paper.
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Tallulah all the way for me. I really enjoy saying it, and I love the fun, stylish, vintage feel of it.
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Tracy, I've always thought it was cute and bright. Tallulah sounds like a big wet sneeze, and Tamsen is just too veddy British.
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Tamsin seems so synthetic to me. Feels strained. I'd rather Tansy than Tamsin. Or Thomasin.
Tallulah seems ugly and fusty like Myrtle and Earlene. But it's less strained than Tamsin.
Tracy, then. I like it. I've liked all the Tracys I've met. I dunno if it'd be a good name for a baby girl because it's dated, but I think it's better than the others.
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Tamsin but I prefer Tamsyn, dont like the sin part. Otherwise a nice name. Tallulah is nice too. Tracy seems outdated
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Tamsin but I would much rather have it spelled Tamsen. I like it because it's snappy and unusual but not unheard-of. Tallulah is too over-the-top. I like Tracy but Tamsen has more presence.
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Tracy! I like it.
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Tallulah is a GP of mine, so I'd go with that. Probably with the nn Lulu.Tamsin is okay and I wouldn't mind it on someone else, but I don't love it.Tracy is dated, but not in a "not ready for a comeback" way.
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Tamsin.Tracy is ok, but a little dated and not very exciting.Tallulah is too frilly and frou-frou. Tamsin is cute, recognisable but relatively unpopular, although I have met a couple. None of them go by Tammy, but Tammy has never been a popular name in the UK.
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Tammy used to be used as a nickname for Tamara, but Tamsin is short enough that I don't think people would feeled to use a nickname.
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